Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

Dinner was awkward as hell the tension between Tyler and Joseph prevented any sort of conversation starting. On the plus side Mary can COOK! Mary and Joseph retreated to the sitting room and Tyler back to the bedroom, me, I now know what room was what in the house and which cupboards hold what, invasion of privacy maybe a little but hey if anyone had a problem with it they would have said something.  

Walking back into the bedroom Tyler was sprawled out on his bed sleeping with a scowl on his face angry even when he's sleeping go figure. Feeling my phone vibrate on my leg I take it out opening the text.  

The Mighty Jordan! 

Hurry up and get on Skype before mum gets on the next flight to Miami! 

Rolling my eyes I logged back onto my laptop and booted up Skype starting a video call with Jordan, not 5 seconds had gone past before it was accepted and mums worried face was on the screen.  

"Oh my baby girl! How was the flight? You didn't get hurt did you? An email!? You sent an email how impersonal Lanette anyone could have kidnapped you and sent an email!-"  

"Maybe you should let her talk mum"  She turned around to glare at Jordan and I mouthed a quick 'thank you' 

"I'm sorry mum I wanted to get settle first I was just letting you know I was alive"  

"Alive?! What so you thought you would die! No that's it I'm coming down there! I'll book the flight now-"  

"No mum! I'm fine I promise, I'm fine, Lynn's fine everyone's fine."  

"I'm not fine" Looking up once again Tyler was interrupting my Skype time.  

"Who was that Lanette"  

"It was only Tyler no one important" He growled and rolled over putting a pillow over his head. The smirk that was making an appearance on my face disappeared when I saw Jordan's face.  

"Why is Tyler in the room with you aren't you on a bed! Tell the prick to leave"  

 Mums hand darted out faster than I've ever seen to slap him round the back of his head.  

"Language young man! I don't like the boy either!"  

"We have to share a room different beds calm down Jordan it's not like anything is gonna happen"  

"It better not"  

Tyler sat up taking the laptop from me, "Don't worry Jordan I wouldn't touch her with a six foot pole"  

Jordan growled this time muttering, "Prick" which was followed but the sound of a smack again. Taking back the laptop from him I sat back down on the bed keeping my tears at bay. Looking back at the screen Jordan was seething and mum was wearing a look of pity. Giving them a poor excuse for a smile, I swiped my hand like it didn't mean anything.  

"I'll text Lynn and tell her that you're on Skype. Love you talk to you later"  

I blew a kiss which mum caught half heartedly and smiled before disconnecting the call.  

Tyler was still standing in front of me just staring, "What?"  

He shook his head and scowled at me, turned and laid back down on his bed. I sent a quick text to Lynn before lying down facing the walls letting the silent tears leak out. I understand he doesn't want me but does he have to be so rude about it. 

Tylers POV 

Turning over Lanette was laying down her back to me and her shoulders shaking lightly there was a pang in my chest. What the hell she's a mix breed I don't understand how she expects me to be with her I'm the next beta I need a strong WERE on my arm not some weird were pixie mix breed. I don't feel bad she's not beta wife material she needs to take a few tips off Eris.  

My phone screen lit up, the LED flashing a rainbow of colours I typed in my pin opening the text from Daniel.  

From: Dan the Man 

What the hell did you do to Lanette 

How the hell would he know if I did anything to her. It's not like I did anything anyway she knows the way it is.  

To: Dan the Man  

Nothing why would I have done something to her? I don't want anything to do with the mix breed 

It wasn't even 30 seconds before he replied 

From: Dan the Man  

Stop it 


From: Dan the Man  

You know you care for her your stupid ego is just in the way and Lynn was fine and being cordial until she came off Skype with Jordan so you must have done something 

I let out a low growl why couldn't anyone accept that we were not meant to be together and we will not be together she is not that special.  

To: Dan the Man  

I had a word with him yes but I didn't do anything to Lanette so there's no need to get your boxers in a twist 

From: Dan the Man  

Well of you found you're suitcase with smashed eggs and an emptied bottle of ketchup in it you would be pissed to so whatever you said to him APOLOGISE! 

Rolling my eyes I put my phone on the charger and stood up walking over to Lanette. Looking down at her the dried tear marks where crusted on her face and her under eyes puffy. I stopped myself when I realised how close I was to touching her face. Shaking my head I walked out going into the bathroom and looking in the mirror. I don't look like myself something's different but I don't know what. No! I'm the same nothing has changed and Lanette Taylors doesn't mean anything to me.

A/N: Heeey I  uploaded!! Are you proud of me :D See I added Tylers POV tell me what you think :D

- QueenOfKingx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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