|Chapter 2|

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Finally chapter 2. Pic to the side is Christina a.k.a Tina.


Kate's P.O.V

As we were heading back to the pack house, finally the blood stop trickling down my forehead and it looked like I just got a scratch. Pecks to werewolf healing. As I split ways with Tina I was about to go to my room, but I felt contact of the wooden floor. My wolf growled. I looked up to see the one and only pack slut, Veronica.

"Watch where you're going you ugly slut." her minions laugh along with Veronica.

'Her laughs sounds like a dying hyena.' Said Lexi.

I snorted at her remark. I also wondered how can anyone have her as a mate, she always with some guy every night, more than you can count with your fingers. Looking at her just screams out, 'fake', 'fake', 'fake'. She got breast implants, too tan skin, thin eyebrows, eyes enlargement, and butt implants. She believes she's the only shewolf in this pack, also thinks she's going to be the "future Luna".

She had an off and on "relationship" up with the Alpha son, Ashton. Tina's so called brother. Ashton and I used to be very close when we were younger. I had a major crush on him too. But ever since the accident, we never hung out or talked anymore. But that was 5 years ago. Now I'm 17, awaking for my mate. Still people teased on me and tortured me that I liked the Alpha. Occasionally he would watch them torture me, sometime he'll even jump along for a beat too before he left. They consider me ugly, fat and weak like the humans.

But if you tell me I didn't consider myself bad looking. I have dark chocolate wavy locks with a hint of golden strikes falling down to my back. I wasn't overweight nor anorexic skinny. I had my fathers sun kissed tan skin and my mothers electric blue eyes. Makeup never came in handy, well I didn't even own makeup, my pink plump lips, long voluptuous eyelashes and my mothers dimples could make up for that flawless look. Many of the shewolf would snarl at me for the bless round ass that I had and busty melons that everyone wished for.

"Get up, and do the dishes dirty pig." Veronica said with all acrimony. I decided to listen to her instead of getting another beating. Once, I darkly talk back to her, just once, but I came out with a broken rib and I couldn't get out of bed for two weeks.

As I was making my way down to the kitchen. I heard one of Veronica's minions spoke,

"Oh my gosh Vicky tomorrow is Ashton's birthday. Maybe tomorrow he's going to find his mate at the party. Plus he's also getting the Alpha title. What if it isn't you as his mate." said one of the girls name Becky. Suddenly I heard a glass break.

"Shut the fùck up Becky! For your information if it isn't me, then I'll make it me. No matter what, it have to be me." Veronica answered back. She stormed out as her minions followed her.

I felt bad for the girl who got paired up with Ashton. What happened if it wasn't Veronica? She'll definitely would had a bitch fit. I could imagine it already.


It's been already 3:34 PM until I clean the entire house, I would be proud to say it was spotless. I had about and hour and a half until the pack members came back from school. The pack decided that I shouldn't go to school to enhance my intelligence because they thought it was a waste of education. I have no obligations to it. My only rule is no friends, no problem.

When I have some spare of time, I always went to the cemetery to talk to my parents. It was the only place that I'm not judged or tortured by. I always share my feelings there, feeling that my parents are there, listening to me. As I finished talking, I checked my phone for the time. The time read 5:54 PM.

"Oh shït, shït, shït." As I thought.

They're going to be home at six, if I'm not there I'm going to get my ass whipped this time. I have to serve them lunch. 'Great' I quickly stripped it out of my clothes, tying them to my ankle. I changed into my wolf. Now I was no longer walking on two feet, but I was running on 4 paws.

'Finally I get to run, I miss running and stretching and running again.' Lexi said doing a wolfish laugh.

My wolf is pure white and big unlike the other shewolf in the pack. No one ever got to see my wolf instead of Tina. When I was younger my mom always told me white and black wolves are very rare to find. Out of 67 to 200, the last 200 decades, the species of white and black werewolves decrease to 16 to 50. Some said, they were hunted down by 'hunters'. Thinking of that word makes my stomach stir with disgust.

After dodging tree trunks, and bushes I finally made it to the pack house. I quickly change back to my human form and checked the time while I put on my clothes. 5:59 PM. Perfect, just on time, I said to Lexi.

I tippy toed my way to the patio, looking under the mattress to find the key. 'Bingo'. I started to jiggle the key into the lock to open the backyard door. I looked around to see anyone but no one was their. I guess they're not back yet.

I quickly went inside and made a quick brunch for those brutish animals. As I was finishing up putting their lunch on the table, one by one they started to fill in the room. That was my cue to leave.

But suddenly this exquisite, heavenly, mouthwatering, smell came to my nostrils.

MATE! LOOK FOR MATE! MATE IS HERE! Lexi said anxiously.

Before I could find that delicious smell, someone called out my name. I think his name was Brent, he asked for a drink. I let out a low growl. As I given him the drink, he smacked my bum. I snarled at him with a animalistic growl, he cowardly back away and continued eating his lunch. I retreated back to the place were I smelt my mate, but the smell was gone. My wolf whined in the back of my head.

'Don't worry Lexi, we'll find him very soon. Be glad, he's in this pack, maybe we might find him at the party tomorrow.'

I could tell that her ears perked up when she heard when he would be at the party tomorrow.

'I want mate now.' Lexi said stubbornly.

'Shut up. We'll find him soon.' then I cut off the line with her. I could feel her banging through our mind link. But I kept my walls on guard, smirking to myself that I can always irritate her.

I went upstairs to my room and changed into my wore out pajamas. My room is pretty small then it used to be when my parents was alive. But now, it's almost like a closet. It didn't even look like a bedroom. In the corner of the room, there laid a small old stained mattress on the floor. I didn't much get any clothes so all my clothes where in a box.

I always had this jug to save up money. When the guys give be money to buy something for them, they allow me to kept the leftover change, at least they weren't that crude. I saved up to $1274. But in the other side, before my parents died, they made a saving account name after me leaving me with $16,000, but I chose not to take it yet maybe when there's an emergency. As I quickly got into bed, I went into a blissful sleep awaking to find my mate, but dreadful to face everyone at the party.


Oh snap! So what do you guys think? Who's her mate? Haha I know I know. This is kind of like a filler about Kate, so what do you think is gonna happen in the next chap?




Can I get some comments or some vote to get chap 3 up!!!

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