Chapter 1: Apple

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This will be about a vampire x hunter story I was planning on making this a short story like the one before but I changed my mind, so yeah

Lucifer was once the king of the prosperous Moon Kingdom, where people from all over came to visit and enjoy living. However, everything changed when the kingdom was hit by a horrible and incurable disease. People were suffering, becoming so weak that they couldn't move and coughing up blood.

Lucifer was heartbroken to see his people in such a condition. He searched everywhere for a cure to save his family and his people. One day, he found a strange book in an old language that eventually changed to a language he could read. He read the book and discovered that the cure was a strange apple. The apple promised him the power to cure his people if he ate it, but it also warned of side effects. Despite the risks, Lucifer was willing to do anything to save his people.

He went on a quest to find the apple and eventually found it in a strange cave where the last apple was hanging. He grabbed the apple and bit into it. Suddenly, his arms turned black charcoal, his skin turned white as snow, and his eyes became blood-red with black pupils.

He returned to his chamber in the palace, got the book, and followed the directions in it. After doing so, all he had to do was add a drop of blood to the medicine, so he grabbed a knife and slashed his wrist. There it was done, he grabbed it and took a taste to verify if it was safe, and it worked. Lucifer sighed in relief and informed his people that he had a cure he first gave to his wife and daughter, later he would handed to the guards the cure first before giving it to the people.

After a cure was found, everyone was cured of an illness. However, as the moon turned red, it revealed their true nature. They all had pale skin and red eyes, and they were all hungry for blood. Although they did not have black pupils or black marks on their arms like Lucifer, they were still consumed by their thirst for blood.

Lucifer was the first to feel the thirst for blood, and he satisfied it by drinking the blood of an animal. Lilith caught him in the act and joined him out of necessity, and their child also became hungry. Lucifer felt guilty for what he had done to his people and apologized to them, but they were grateful to the king and saw it as a gift. Despite their gratitude, Lucifer still felt guilty for creating this outcome.One day, while he was in his room, Lilith entered with a cup of animal blood.

Lilith: "Dear"

Lucifer: "Yes honey"

Lilith: "I know you feel upset, but your people adore you, and if it wasn't for you, Charlie would be unable to grow old and live her life"

Lucifer: "But can she, I read in the book that the other side of impact is everlasting life; she would hate me after discovering I did this to her."

She wrapped her arms around him, expressing her love and assuring him that Charlie would always love him . As time passed, Lucifer developed a method for his people to consume animal blood instead of human blood. However, some vampires would break this rule and consume human blood. To prevent this from happening, Lucifer created a curse barrier to protect and keep the kingdom hidden. He was the only vampire capable of doing so, due to the effects of the cursed apple. Lucifer never informed his family about the cursed apple or its side effects, such as the pain he experienced when he used the curse magic, the nightmares it caused him, and the fact that he now had black wings.

The human version of the story was about a greedy king who was so obsessed with power that he was cursed with devil magic, which cursed his entire kingdom and turned them into vampires. Although no one has seen the kingdom, some believe it still exists, while others believe it never existed in the first place and that the creation of vampires was the result of a mad scientist testing on humans.

The church created hunters to deal with the vampires, but many of them were not sane and only did the job for money or to escape the system's hold. Criminals and killers were given a curse pill, which would kill them if they made a wrong move. This truth was kept hidden from the public.

Alastor entered the bar wearing a black coat and a red suit and found Husk drinking beer. Alastor placed a body on the counter, which Husk grabbed before leaving. When he returned with Rosie, she was dressed in a beautiful red and black dress with a corset and knives tied around her waist, and she was smiling.

Rose: "Alastor dear how was your hunt"

Alastor: "Lovely"

Rosie: "That's good to hear dear"

Nifty was dressed in a red gown with a black bow and ran into the bar, handing Alastor a piece of paper with written on it, "vampire attack in this distract number###." Alastor grinned before patting her on the head.

Alastor: "Thanks nifty"

Nifty: "No problem but boss are you going to do the job"

Alastor: "Yes"

Nifty: "Then can I come "

Alastor: "Yes if you promise not to go off running when you see another hunter"

Nifty: "Got it no bad boys"

Rose: "Going on another hunt, but you just got here"

Alastor: "Yes, but I'll return shortly."

He stepped through the door, and lifted his coat to place the paper displaying his silver weapons and crossbow in his pocket, and Nifty gripped her silver knife, ready to strike while giggling like a mad person. Alastor summoned a carriage to transport them to their destination; it was dark and foggy, making seeing difficult, but with a monocle that can see vampires, it wasn't that terrible, Nifty had glasses that functioned similarly to Alastor's monocle, but she didn't enjoy wearing them.

Lucifer was at his palace working on paperwork. It was a lot after the assassination of his queen a year after receiving a divorce. She was slain by a vampire hunter, but what made him more anxious was his daughter. She had a concept of working with humans and that vampires and humans may be friends. Lucifer did not trust humans after all they were killing his people, especially after believing that they killed Lilith. Lucifer tried to persuade her that it was not a good idea that they were the cause of her mother's death, but she disagreed since she was like him and stubborn through and through.

He glanced at the moon while thinking about how to make Charlie give up on the human and vampire friendship concept because humans would always lie and manipulate just horrible beings, even if he was human once, but that was years ago.

Oh, but he had no idea that he would encounter a human, let alone a vampire hunter, with whom he would fall in love with.

Word count:1187

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter😊🥰 but I have a question should I make a vaggie a normal human or a vampire or that she will be a vampire hunter?

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