01. pilot

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"dean, it's just not a good idea," i groaned. i crossed my arms over my chest.

"karolina," my mom shot me a look. i let out an annoyed sigh and looked down at the ground for a second.

my family and i were very close with the winchesters. my parents and john had been best friends since childhood. when mary came into the picture, she joined their little friend group. john and my parents raised me, char, sam, and dean together.

the four of us got along well, but sam and i were extremely close. we understood each other in a way no one else really could.

when mary died, sam and i were babies. john got caught up in finding what killed her, and naturally, my parents felt compelled to help him. we went everywhere the winchesters went, moved where they moved.

as the oldest, dean took care of me, sam, and char.

when sam wanted to leave for college, we all kind of broke apart. my parents saw how john kicked out sam, and they realized they didn't want to force the life on char and me.

we packed up and moved to texas. my dad left that life behind, he got a job as a director of sales at some solar company. my mom didn't have to work.

char finished high school, and i started college. sam and i would call each other every once in a while, but it hadn't been as often as i'd liked for it to be.

dean knew we'd left the life and yet he had the balls to come back here 4 years later to drag char and me back into it.

"come on, karo. it's my dad we're talking about here. i can't just sit on my ass and do nothing."

"i'll go." char finally spoke.

"well i won't-"

"you're going and that's final," my dad spoke in a stern manner. the second his words were spoken, my demeanor changed. so much for not wanting to force the life on us.

i was very much like dean in the "father's soldier" way. my sister on the other hand had never listened to my parent's orders. she questioned and pushed, something i'd never been able to do.

"okay." i spoke softly, my tone completely rid of the attitude that it'd had earlier.

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"so explain again why you need us to go.." i asked before beginning to bite my nails. i was settled in the back seat of dean's impala. my sister rode up front.

"i don't really need char, just you," dean answered. he glanced back at me through the rear view mirror.

"wow, thanks!" charlotte scoffed, her tone sarcastic. dean smirked.

"if you think you think i can help you convince sam, you're wrong."

"look, just shut up until we get there, got it?"

i glared at him and just looked over at the tall trees on the side of the road. char laughed.

i felt angry. from the last phone call i'd had with sam 9 months ago, i knew he was happy. the fact that i was helping dean have the chance of dragging him back into the life he hated made me feel like a shitty friend.

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dean, charlotte, and i made our way up some rusty stairs to make it to sam's apartment window.

kaleidoscope, sam winchesterWhere stories live. Discover now