03. hookman

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"sam," i let out a pleasured sigh.

"mm.." he mumbled as he placed open-mouthed kisses along my throat.

i ran my fingers through his hair as his hands reached for the hem of my shirt, peeling it off of me.

"so pretty," he said softly, his eyes scanning over my frame as he shifted lower to press kisses to my chest. his hands roamed my body, they slowly reached back to unclasp my bra before he—

"karo," char shook me, waking me up. i sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes. what the fuck was that dream?

"you okay?" sam asked softly. i almost felt guilty as i met his gaze.

i nodded. "just sleepy."

"but you never take naps," he pressed, still concerned.

"i'm okay," i offered him a small smile. dean and char gave each other a look and snickered. sam and i looked at each other, confused.

"why are you laughing?" sam asked dean.

"no, it's nothing..." he trailed off.

"what is it?" i crossed my arms.

"nothing?" char crossed her arms too.

"alright..." there were a few awkward moments of silence as sam paused. "well, i'm gonna go check if the coffees are ready." he walked off into the coffee shop.

char, dean, and i stayed outside. "seriously, guys. what was that look?" i insisted.

"you both are so into each other," char giggled. dean smirked.

did i make sounds during the dream? did i say anything out loud? "what? no? truthfully, we're not," i said quickly.

i truly wasn't into him, that dream came out of nowhere. it probably came from charlotte's constant nagging about me and sam. it didn't come to me because i liked him... because i didn't.

"we won't judge," dean let out a chuckle.

"there is nothing to judge because i don't like him. you know, truthfully, these comments make me really uncomfortable.."

"right!" char laughed. "uncomfortable my ass. if you are uncomfortable, it's because we're getting closer and closer to you admitting it."

"there's nothing to admit!" i let out an frustrated laugh. "we are just great friends. truthfully."

"the fact you said "truthfully" three times tells me all i need to know," dean grinned, holding out his hand for char. she laughed along and high-fived him.

i narrowed my eyes. "have you considered that maybe i said that because i'm being, oh i don't know, truthful?"

"load of BULL," dean chuckled.

"alright, thank you for your time," sam came back to the table, 3 coffees in hand as he hung up his phone. i don't drink coffee, it's gross.

"who was that?" i asked sam, still sort of out of it from the nightmare i'd just had.

"i had 'em check the FBI's missing persons data bank. no john doe's fitting dad's description. i even ran his plates for traffic violations," sam responded, looking over at dean.

"sam, i'm tellin' ya, i don't think dad wants to be found," dean replied. sam's expression showed disappointment. i hated seeing him like that, but i for one was happier hadn't found john. maybe it was something too far for me to say, but i hated that man. 

"anyway..." char spoke up. "i was looking for possible cases we could check out and i found this," she pulled up an article on her laptop.

i fake gasped. "woooow char, you? doing work?"

kaleidoscope, sam winchesterWhere stories live. Discover now