06. faith

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"Hi, Dad," Karolyn smiled awkwardly at her father. Her hands were clasped in front of her as she stood there on her parent's front porch awaiting her father's reaction anxiously.

"I thought—" her dad started before being interrupted.

"JOSÉ!" a voice could be heard shouting from inside the house as a figure came towards the front blue door.

"Oh! Hi!" Ira, Karolyn's mother grinned as soon as she saw the 3 kids, as she called them, standing there. "Come in!" She moved José out of the way as she reached to open the door wider.

Karolyn smiled at her mom as she walked in, her mother wrapping her arms around her immediately. "I missed you, love," Ira kissed her cheek, embracing her in a comforting hug Karolyn hadn't even realized she needed.

Her eyes welled up at the contact, hugging her mother back tightly. "Missed you too, Mom," she took a deep breath in, pulling away slightly.

The boys were greeting José. Sam shut the door behind him gently, locking it.

"Dean!" Ira hugged Dean tightly, rubbing his back gently.

"Hi, Ira," he grinned, hugging her back tightly.

The boys had always been extremely close to Ira and José, they were like a second set of parents to them. They took care of them when John was obsessing over finding what killed Mary. They helped him, but they also focused on the children.

"Sam.." Ira gave him a sad smile. She hadn't seen him since he left for Stanford. Sam missed her deeply. She was the only mother figure he'd ever had, the only woman who gave him a chance of feeling loved like a son should be loved.

He embraced her, leaning down to give her a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, Sam. I heard what happened.. you know you always have me and this family," she rubbed his back in large comforting circles, assuring him that the Lobos would always care.

"I know, thank you," He returned her sad smile as he pulled away, walking over back to Karo's side.

Karo looked up at her father when he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a side hug. "I was rude over the phone the other day, I'm sorry, baby," he kissed the top of her head.

"It's fine, Dad," she gave him a weak smile, meeting his gaze. He gave her shoulders a squeeze then moved over to the dining table, pulling a seat out which he then sat on.

Sam subtly rolled his eyes at the interaction. He hated that Karolyn forgave so easily, especially her father.

"You guys were in the area?" José raised his brows suspiciously, questioning why they even came to visit.

"Karo coincidentally found a case near town.." Dean snorted, looking over at her with a teasing look.

She smiled, rolling her eyes as she took a seat next to Sam. "Shut up, I happened to come across it," She scooted her seat closer to the table, adjusting in her chair.

"Didn't you ask me to specifically look for a case here? Because I swear I remember—" Sam started, looking over at Karolyn before she interrupted him.

"Shut up, Samuel," she met his gaze, smiling at him like a girl totally in love. Anyone with a brain could notice it.

Except Samuel. The man had deluded himself into believing Karo was in love with his older brother.

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