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On the festival day, you decided to not wear anything fancy but at the same time not to look too plain just to blend in the crowd.

You can't deny that the festival is amazing and is well spent on with money, but what bothers you are the Elites.

They are making the students from your school participate in competition, and if they don't take first place.

You know ehat the elites does to them?

They humiliate them and abuse them with hurtful words about how they aren't good enough for the school.

This is pure madness.

And the idea of being all alone on this festival trip without Evander with you caused you paronia.

Ever since he gave you the ring, you kept it inside its box in a safe place in fear that you might lose it.

The only person you could speak with is Dante and you won't do that.

Thankfully the elites doesn't force you to participate, allowing you to take a look at the books stand.

Many unique books lay infront of you, making it harder for you to choose which book you wish to buy.

"Do you need any help?"

Maximilian comes to stand beside you, pretending to look for a book to buy.

"No, you should go and continue enslaving others" you reply.

"This is a cruel thing to say" the senior fakes a pout, before grabbing a book.

It's The Prince book by Niccolo Machiavelli.

"The end justifies the means" you quote the paraphrase by Niccolo Machiavelli.

"He never said that"

"Excuse me?" You ask in confusion.

"The writer never mentioned the end justifies the means, the original quote was..."

Maximilian turns his body fully to stand infront of you while still holding the book.

"Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times."

His explanation left you beliwareded.

"The Roman poet Ovid is the one who said the result justifies the deed or as we know it today the end justifies the means"

Once he finishes, the bookseller claps.

"Your boyfriend here is intelligent" the older man compliments Maximilian.

Before you could correct him, Max races you to it.

"I'm not her boyfriend, I would say older brother is a better term, also I wish to buy this book"

After Maximilian buys the book, you both walk together through the festival.

"You might see me as the bad guy, but in reality I'm not bad at all" 

Instead of snorting at his words, you stay silent, allowing him to defend himself.

"You see the students I made participate in the activities of the festival are children of important figures in the country-"

"So you are training them to be your puppets and when you graduate you could benefit from them"

"Correct, you are also going to be beneficial to me in two years"

"But you would have already graduated"

"I thought you were smart, guess I was wrong" 

Maximilian gives you the book he bought with a smile on his face.

"Read it, it would benefit you"

He then leaves you standing there, watching him leave, while muttering to yourself in disgust.

"No, I understood exactly what you are implying, creep"

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