Estelle x Furina [Genshin Impact]

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Estelle was walking through the plaza of Fontaine, contenly humming along her way. She had just made a few errands and was planning to go back to her small mansion now. After all, someone might need her prophetess abilities once she returned. The plaza was empty, all denizens at their own home or at the Opera Epiclese. Estelle's steady footsteps reached the central fountain, although she soon stopped in her tracks. Accompanied by the gentle rushing of water, were quiet sobs to be heard.

The prophetess ponders for a while, but soon was able to assign a certain someone to the voice. And that someone was no other than Lady Furina, the Hydro Archon herself. She was sitting at the other side of the fountain, where she was unable to see Estelle. Estelle was genuinely shocked. THE Hydro Archon? Crying? But, it's not like she hadn't had a hunch for this anyway. So, she walked along the fountain, until she was met with Furina.

"My lady?"

Furina shrieks, not having noticed Estelle walking up to her. "O-oh. Hello subject." She gives a smile, wiping her tears. No subject of hers should see their Archon in this state. And she doesn't want to talk about the matter. No, she wants to. But she doesn't allow herself. Estelle gave a worried look. "May I ask what's troubling you?" Estelle asks politely while folding her hands behind her back.

"Nothing... it's fine!" The Hydro Archon waves her hand dismissively, but it's apparent that she's lying. Estelle can sense stuff like this, and she certainly doesn't like seeing Fontaine's Archon like this. Furina clears her throat. "I was just.. uh... enjoying the beauty of the fountain. I was thinking about the primor-" She stops abruptly, cutting herself off from finishing her sentence.

Whereas Estelle raises an eyebrow at Furina's halt. She was almost going to ask 'Are you trying to fool me?' but retrains from doing so. Clearly something's not right. And Estelle knew excactly what it is. "Could it be... that it is  a certain prophecy that's bothering you?" Furina's blue eyes widen, but she instantly hides her suprise by narrowing them and crossing her arms. She looks away, feeling a little defensive.

"Perhaps. But how would you know of such things? No ordinary citizen of Fontaine is supposed to know even the slightest detail about that matter. It's a secret. A secret only kown by my court. Or, maybe... you're no ordinary citizen?" Furina speaks, now looking at Estelle, who smiled. "Hmm, let me think... Because I'm a prophetess who knows all prophecies of Teyvat?"

Furina slightly chokes on air at Estelle's statement. A prophetess? A prophetess? She didn't ever think those were real. Yet here Estelle, a complete stranger, was claiming to be a specialist of divination. But for all Furina knows, she could just be fake. Like those prophets in amusement parks.. She decided this would be her cue to ask a question.

"Very intruiging. May I ask who you are, then?"

"Miss Estelle Nuit-Étoilée, prophetess and magician, at your service." Estelle bowed down, showing her respect for the Hydro Archon. It wasn't very shocking to her Furina doesn't know all of her subjects' names. Even when Estelle had divine foreseeing powers and makes money off of telling people their futures.

Furina hums. "Hm. That seems to be a bit of an overwhelming title. And what kind of things do you forsee? That I'll stub my toe tomorrow at 2 PM?" Furina says, mockingly. She now has a genuine, yet condescending smile on her face.

"Actually, no." Estelle couldn't help but feel a tad bit giddy, knowing her Archon was always so playful and mocking. Despite crying just mere moments ago, it's absolutely impossible for Furina to lose her trademark tone of slight condescension.

Furina's eyebrows shot up in suprise. 'No?' She was obviously just making fun of Estelle. No way she can actually see the future! She couldn't believe a woman like Estelle would have so much knowledge about the world as a whole. It just can't be. "Then, what is this prophecy that we both know of?" The Hydro Archon asks, trying to test the young lady. This could prove whether or not she was just pretending to know. Would she be able to say what the prophecy entailed?

Estelle's eyes widen under her blindfold. She could tell Furina didn't quite believe her. But she knew for a fact the Archon was so very upset by the prophecy, she would avoid every chance to talk about it. The prophetess too a deep breath.

"One day, the waters of Fontaine will rise, washing away all of its people, and only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping upon her throne."

Furina's breath caught in her throat as she looks horrified. "No. It can't be.." She whispers, more to herself. That means Estelle is actually a prophet, and is able to see the future?! That's.. very suprising. But also worrying. "Correct. You are correct..." She takes a send to catch her breath again. "The Primordial Sea is indeed going to crush all of Fontaine's inhabitants. But... how can you know all this..? I've... How...."

'Interesting. No one usually dares to ask prophets where they get their knowledge from. But it was excpected from Furina.' Estelle thinks. "As I mentioned, it's my talent to be able to tell the future by prophecies and visions. Yet, I myself receive them..." A bit reluctant to say this next part, Estelle pauses for a second. Maybe the Hydro Archon could think of her as some sort of weirdo, if she didn't already.

"...from the stars."

Furina's eyes grew wider. "..The stars, you say?" This.. was new. She wasn't aware of any star-related element, like she wielded the Hydro Element... "You... see prophecies through the stars? I've never known anyone.. with that ability. Aren't the stars just lights in the sky? How can someone see the future by some mere lights?"

"That... is what some might think.." Estelle was honestly a bit disappointed, hoping she wouldn't have to explain this topic like she had to every time someone new came to her mansion to have their future read. Everyone has their own beliefs when it comes to this.. "The stars are so much more than that. To me, they are my ancestors who guide me through various situations. And.. I believe that when we die, we go up there. To the night sky. Each star resembles a fallen soul."

Furina seems impressed, putting aside her usual arrogance for now. "Is that so.." She stays silent for a while, now interested in Estelle. The way the prophetess spoke, with such certainty.. "Then.. how often do you read the stars? Are you able to see the future whenever you want? Please, do tell." Estelle sits next to Furina, a bit suprised someone like the Hydro Archon would be that interested in her talent. But she was happy to tell more nontheless.

"It is a little complicated.. The stars talk to me whenever they want, whether it be day or night, in a dream or reality. They tell me things of great importance for, well, pretty much everyone. But I can indeed see the outcomes of things that won't change anything too drastically. All the time I want." She says, patiently awaiting Furina's answer.

"And this ability... have you developed it over time, or..?" Furina asks, trying to get a bit more information. "No no. I've been granted this gift with birth." The blonde chuckles, whereas the Archon thinks for a moment. She seems to be in awe. Dealing with so much knowledge all your life, it must be quite a weigt on Estelle's shoulders. Furina herself would've gone insane ages ago. But Estelle seems calm and composed... Maybe she really is special.

"Miss Estelle... I need to ask.." Furina sighs, her expression gloomy. "I need to know.. Will this be Fontaine's end? I now know you can see the future, so.. Will our people be saved from the Primordial Sea?" Estelle's eyes, once again, widen a little behind her blindfold.


And she shakes her head. "My apologies, Your Grace. I'm not allowed to tell you that..yet. But I can tell you one thing." She takes Furina's hand into her own, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "That no matter what, that even if this is the end.. We can't just sit around and wait to die! We..."

For a few more moments, Estelle spends her words comforting Furina. Furina sighs, nodded after a bit. "I should've known.. that you wouldn't be able to tell me, despite knowing the truth." She pauses shortly. "But you know what? You're right..! I need to continue on my legacy as being the best Archon I can be, as long as I can." The Hydro Archon says, looking at Estelle. 

"...Thank you. For these words of comfort." Estelle nods, happiness clearly present in her face. "Anytime, my lady." Furina really likes the way Estelle handles herself. "And I must admit, you seem like a fairly interesting woman with that power of yours..." So, both women spend the rest of the day chatting away happily, fairly eager to get to know each other more.

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