Children of Nyx HCs for you ★ [Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus]

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★ their eyes can glow a lil bit in the dark

★ might seem scary since... y'know, their mother, but their actually really sweet! (most of them anyways)

★ Kids of Nyx don't really need to sleep during the night, or at all.

★ (There were like a few arguments with Chiron and Mr D because of that because they always want to go out at night. Not that they don't find a way to sneak out anyway.)

★ when they get mad, like hella mad, little stars/sparks flicker around them

★ Commonly use weapons made out of silver or stygian iron.

★ They get into a lot of fights with the Ares cabin, so much everyone thinks they could rip each other's heads off any second now, but that's actually just friendly banter to them.

★ Stronger during the night

★ they can also shadow-travel

★ able to control enemies through their shadows

★ Can be dangerously calm in unfitting situations

★ absolutely love stargazing and being out at night

★ Watch out when it's time for Chariot Races. They always have a trick or two up their sleeve.

★ chill with the Hypnos and Hades cabins

★ They have that death stare that can make even Zeus wet himself. (No joke this is canon now.)

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