OC Information: Rose M. M. García [Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus]

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Let's get the flower girlie out of the way first (also I was too lazy to finish her drawing)

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⚜ Full name: Rosabelle Maria Marleen García

⚜ Daughter of Demeter and head counsler of said cabin

⚜ Couragous, smart, loving, competitive and always ready to hold out a helping hand!

⚜ There's way too many nicknames so I'm just gonna name a few: Rosie, rosebud, blossom-head, Bloomy/Bloomie(not the FPE one help-), primrose etc.

⚜ Fatal flaws are workaholicism, which can be connected to inferiority, and her loyalty.

⚜ book loverr <3

⚜ And do NOT take away her books it will NOT end well for you

⚜ Was on the Argo II as well (prophecy of 8 smthsmth)

⚜ REALLY dislikes being referred to as 'Rosabelle'. She doesn't really know why either, but you can always just see the discomfort etched on her face when she hears that name.

⚜ So like, dyslexia wasn't really a problem for her. English was never her first language anyways, so she just learned the languages all over again. (I can't explain that idk)

⚜ Has a few secret hiding spots scattered across camp and a little outside the borders.

⚜ Workaholic asf she didn't eat (or sleep) much on the Argo II

⚜ Cares about her friends and their well-being more than anything!

⚜ Whenever she has the time, she makes prayers/offerings to other gods too secretly.

⚜ natural cook duhh

⚜ Don't underestimate her understanding for scarring trauma. You may just have to look behind that sweet smile and those evergreen eyes to see something.

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