Episode 40: casey lesson and dunsparce.

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Ash and the group are already arrived in cherrygrove city..... they encounter a phanpy who escaped from team rocket, they have promise themselves to defeated these group forever.....meanwhile they in route 30.

Caterpie level 3-4Metapod level 4-5Weedle level 3-4Kakuna level 4-5Pidgey level 2-4Rattata level 2-4Zubat level 3Poliwag level 4Hoothoot level 4Ledyba level 3Spinarak level 3Hoppip level 4

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Caterpie level 3-4
Metapod level 4-5
Weedle level 3-4
Kakuna level 4-5
Pidgey level 2-4
Rattata level 2-4
Zubat level 3
Poliwag level 4
Hoothoot level 4
Ledyba level 3
Spinarak level 3
Hoppip level 4

Ash catch 3 pokemon in there...Lyra and Janine catch only one..
Ash: so what pokemon you have?
Lyra: I got Hoppip.
Pokédex: Hoppip, the Cottonweed Pokémon. This hopping Pokémon is light as a feather, and can be lifted by the gentlest breeze.

 This hopping Pokémon is light as a feather, and can be lifted by the gentlest breeze

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Janine: I got spinarak.
Pokédex: Spinarak, the String Spit Pokémon. Spinarak can climb any surface easily, and shoot a strong web from both the front and back of its body. Its prey is caught and held tight in its web.

 Its prey is caught and held tight in its web

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