Episode 95: ever grande conference part 3

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Morrison: come on gligar..just because you can evolve into that...doesn't mean you weak..used steel attack..

Then Gligar used steel attack...but Gliscor dodging the attack.

Ash: used fire fang.

Then Gliscor bite Gligar tail and then landed into the ground with such confident...
Gliscor: Gliscor.( do it again.)

Then Gligar used steel wing again...but Gliscor dodging it with such confident and grab it's tail..and then stomping it into the ground.
Ash: used Guillotine.

Then Gligar used it claw and finished off Gligar...it fainted.
Morrison: damn it.

Then Gliscor come to Gligar and said,
Gliscor: Gliscor, Gliscor.( you have potential, here take this.)

Then Gliscor give Gligar a razor fang which confused Gligar.
Gligar?: Gligar?( what is this?)
Gliscor: Gliscor, Gliscor.( you using that thing during the night, you become like this.)

Then Gliscor walking toward ash and looking at gligar.
Gliscor: Gliscor, Gliscor.( you quite good, don't wasted the potential.)

Then Morrison return gligar which he unexpectedly see ash Gliscor giving a gift to gligar.
Morrison: look like your pokemon give gligar something...but now it not matters...steelix let's go.

Then he send out steelix..it's the same one from valley of steel.
Ash: torkoal, it's your revenge.

Then he send out torkoal who is not done with steelix..
Torkoal: torkoal.( we meet again.)
Steelix: rrrrraawwrrr.( I will crush you again turtle.)
Torkoal: torkoal.( I made of fire you silver snake.)

Morrison: steelix used dragon breath.

Then steelix used dragon breath on torkoal...but it's protect itself with iron defense...
Ash: used overheat.
Morrison: used dragon breath again.

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