Episode 99: drake practice and elite four sidney story

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Meanwhile after winning the tournament...ash,Misty and Wally got to the stage and get a trophy for their hard work...they waving at the audience for their work...
Delia who is crying nothing to see her son winning the conference three time in a row made her more happy...with professor oak are proud of him and crying..


Meanwhile in hall of origin arceus heard it and said.
Arceus: ehehehhehehehehehe of course..buffing him is my favourite...nobody should defeated him as long as I live...

Then the three legendary beast appear and said.
Raikou: master, the sealed of giratina has been broken...
Arceus: what?
Entei: some idiot unsealed him sir....
Suicune: it's Volo? Somehow resurrected?

Raikou: what are you talking about? Volo not death....he is Cynthia dad..a immortal man who killed people to achieve his immortality power...

Arceus: I knew it.....good thing I give Cynthia title chosen one not Volo...he trying to dethrone me because of how miserable he live...now he want revenge...

Entei: we have multiple chosen one that can help us...
Arceus: I just hope ash will handle him in sinnoh....i will contact uxie,mesprit and azelf.

Suicune: what about tobias?
Arceus: Tobias is not yet finish his training....according to him...he still trying to raised darkrai and 5 others legendary pokemon that are copy version of ourselves. So he cannot helping us for now...

Then Mewtwo appear.
Mewtwo: are you sure it's a good idea to have him the egg of the legendary pokemon?
Arceus: well...after he's friend betrayed him for Calling him a weak, I decided to give him 6 of the legendary pokemon egg....don't worry they power are equal as normal pokemon...shouldn't be that hard..

Mewtwo: but you have to remember annihilape...that ape can also rival with legendary pokemon.
Arceus: hmmmmmmm....well let's just change the topic about giratina shall we?

Then a moments later Charles goodshow appear and said.
Charles goodshow: you done well ash....so tell me something...are you ready to challenge the elite four of hoenn?
Ash: of course..I ready.
Charles goodshow: then prepare for 6 week...the tournament will be held in your hometown..

Charles goodshow: the champion heard about how beautiful pallet town now after your pokemon live in there and start making a good house and new society...the population of pallet town increase because of Lysandre promotion and his donation..

Ash: I guess pallet town become a host for elite four and champion tournament huh?

Charles goodshow: correct..now prepare yourself kid......
Ash: understood Mr goodshow.

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