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          AMELIE HAD A MATCH this weekend, one she was dreading for

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AMELIE HAD A MATCH this weekend, one she was dreading for. Call her cocky or whatever, but she already knew she was going to win. The girl she was facing, she had previously played and absolutely smashed her.

As she walked through the halls, making her way towards the court, her mother, who was also her coach, was grilling her about the "things she needs to do to win." But Amelie wasn't even paying attention to her.

Anytime the girl's mother spoke to her about tennis, it was almost as if it made her lose interest in the support. Crazy, right? Amelie was in her own little trance, watching all the people walk by her, smiling and whispering.

"Amelie, are you even listening to me?" Her mother whispered aggressively into her daughter's ear, gripping onto her arm as she did this.

Amelie winced slightly at the unexpected action and just nodded, knowing damn well she wasn't listening. There was no point; she already knew what to do to secure the win.

Amelie made her way out of the tunnel onto the court as the commentator announced her, the crowd growing increasingly louder from when her opponent walked out a couple of seconds before. She made her way over to her side and placed all her stuff down before quickly getting in a few stretches.

When Amelie was warming up, she never liked to look into the crowds. She always thought it distracted her from the game she was about to play. However, something inside her made her want to look up, and when she did, she saw two boys staring at her. She continued to look at them as they both leaned back into their seats at the exact same time, causing the girl to unintentionally start giggling.

Amelie finished her warm-up and made her way to her side of the court, where she faced Sophia Daniels. The look on Sophia's face was a familiar one to Amelie: fear. Every girl that would go against Amelie had the same look on their faces, and to be honest, it made Amelie proud.

The match began between Amelie Sterling and Sophia Daniels. From the first serve, Amelie showcased her precise placement and powerful shots, making it nearly impossible for Sophia to gain any momentum.

Amelie's serves consistently aced past Sophia, leaving her scrambling to return them. Despite Sophia's efforts to stay in the game, Amelie's relentless aggression and strategic play left her opponent struggling to keep up. With each game, Amelie's confidence grew, and by the last serve, she scored the point that won, causing the crowd to erupt in cheering and clapping.

As the winner, Amelie looked up to the crowd, waving and smiling before going over to shake hands with Sophia. "Hey, that was a great game you played there," Amelie told the girl with a sympathetic smile, to which Sophia responded with a smile back.

The two girls had to stay for a little longer, taking photos with each other and their trophies. But when Amelie looked into the crowd, she could still see the two boys from earlier still staring at her.

After a while of taking photos, she was ready to leave. Amelie's mother had already left a couple of minutes before, claiming she had to get ready for Amelie's party that night.

As Amelie was leaving the sports complex, she spotted two boys leaning against a wall, smoking cigarettes, the same two boys from earlier.

"Are you both stalking me or something?" Amelie asked, walking towards the two boys, causing them to laugh.

"No, we, um, saw you were amazing by the way," one of them spoke, raising his hand. "I'm Art, this is Patrick," he told her while pointing to his friend next to him.

"Smoke?" The boy called Patrick asked, to which Amelie responded with a head shake. "No, my coach would probably kill me."

"Isn't your mom your coach?" Art spoke again.

"And my point still stands," she told him, giggling.

"Well, she's not here, is she?" Patrick said, his tone sounding as if he was leading to something.

"No, I guess not," she said, smiling up at the boy, walking closer before he put the cigarette into her mouth, watching her closely as she wrapped her lips around it.

"I actually have to go, but I'm having a party later for my victory if you two want to come," she said as her eyes flicked between the two of them, her lips rising into a smirk.

"Yeah, we heard about that. We'll see you there," Art told the girl as the two boys waved her goodbye.

hiii me taking!!

first chapter!!
hopefully a second one later tonight but idk pls let me know if your enjoying this also i know literally nothing about tennis sooo

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