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       IT WAS THE next day and after bothering her mother all last night and the morning she had successfully managed to convince her mum to allow her to go see Art and Patrick's tennis match

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IT WAS THE next day and after bothering her mother all last night and the morning she had successfully managed to convince her mum to allow her to go see Art and Patrick's tennis match. Although she arrived slightly late, the sight of Patrick getting ready to serve made her extremely lucky.

As the game progressed, tension simmered on the court, with Patrick maintaining a slim lead over Art. During a brief break, both players scanned the crowd, seeking the familiar figure of the girl who had pledged her attendance. Amelie's presence, signified by a wave and a smile, injected more determination into their competitive spirits as they resumed their match.

By the game's conclusion, Patrick emerged triumphant, leaving Art visibly disheartened.

Once the two of them had cleaned up and were standing outside the building, where the match had just taken place, waiting for their car to go back to the hotel. The two boys lingered, sharing a post-game cigarette.

It was then that Amelie, ice pole in hand, sauntered past, her infectious energy drawing their attention. "Hey, I was looking for you two!" she exclaimed, halting in her tracks.

Patrick chuckled warmly, the familiar banter easing the tension in the air. "Could say the same thing about you," he retorted playfully, casting a sidelong glance at Art, who stood by, his expression unreadable.

"You both played a fantastic game out there," Amelie praised, her genuine admiration evident in her smile as she addressed the athletes.

Art nodded in acknowledgment, a tight smile gracing his lips. "Thanks," he muttered, his tone laced with a hint of resignation as he exchanged a fleeting glance with Patrick.

"Well, it's certainly more exciting when there's something at stake, isn't it?" Patrick remarked, his tone tinged with satisfaction as he closed the gap between himself and Amelie, his imposing presence casting a shadow over her frame.

Amelie's response was measured, her gaze flitting between Patrick and Art, each fighting for her attention in their own subtle ways. As she slowly put the ice pole into her mouth, her subtle actions did not escape their notice, igniting a silent rivalry between the two friends.

"Okay, as promised," Amelie began, retrieving a folded piece of paper from the snug confines of her denim shorts. With a delicate touch, she slipped it into Patrick's front pocket, her lips parting in a coy smile as she met his gaze. "Make sure you use it, okay?" she murmured softly, her words tinged with a hint of anticipation.

Patrick nodded, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched her depart, the sway of her hips captivating his attention. As she disappeared from view, Patrick and Art exchanged a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected turn of events.

"Looks like someone's caught your eye," Art teased, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Patrick shrugged nonchalantly, a smile tugging at his lips. "Perhaps," he replied cryptically, his thoughts already drifting to the intriguing possibilities contained within the folded piece of paper nestled in his pocket.

note!!! 💌💌💌
i'm back ig! hopefully for good this time 😂
i had totally forgotten that i had already written this chapter a while ago it's a bit short but it's somthing!

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