ch :- the first encounter

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----------------------𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗☆✿
Life has been always cruel to me.
Not always tho
I got the best family, the best friends , the best job for me..
But some peculiar desicions of mine has always left me spell bound....
I work in SPO designs and models.
Working their is not too bad as I say neither is too good as I used to think
Just some fucking monsters make it hell.... That's what jenna said to me when I joined yesterday.

My boss was on holiday?? No some work came up so I met with his manager ✨

She is really cool. Her name is rittika . she is beautiful and I really adore her.... Her features really stands out the crowd .
She helped me on my first day in the office
My team is also realy great...
They are so talented.... I regret coming here with my lazy and effortless works .

I wake up from the bed.
Got ready .
Wore a white fluffy top with black formal pants .
In accessories I choose golden coloured string rings and a fragile chain with snowflake charm
Got my favourite yet decent platform heels and ready with my bag to go to the office.

Though it is my second day still it's my first day to meet the CEO /BOSS of the company.
And also today there's a meeting ..I will not be able to join there but yea ...I will observe and see how the meeting in SPO actually works ..

I got my car amd drove to the office.
It takes 50 mins to reach with less traffic...
But ..during serious trafic jams it might take 1hr 30 mins like that approx.

I reach there at sharp 8:00 am and report myself to the manager .
"Hi, Rittika " I greet her.
"Hello , sukriti . Nice to see you in time " - she greets me back with a wide grin.
Boss will be here at any prepare to impress him in your second yet first day .
Best of luck.
"Thank you" I exhale with tension.

Tension is making me suffocate here ..... Rittika is also gone as she had some work.

And there's THE CEO -
every employee stands up and greets him while he doesn't gives a fuck to what anyone says or does.
Rittika joins him giving his schedule for meetings and update and all.
She gestures me to go there and greet him and introduce him..
I do as she says

I go there.
Walk with confidence just to break it when I hear his grumpy deep scary voice.

His eyes gives the vibes of darker thoughts..more darker ...cruel mindset....cold personality.....
And some weird vibes creeps me out.

"May I come in?" - I ask
"Yes. You may "- he replies in his grumpy and scary voice not bothering even who wants to come or not.
I go and stand infront of his desk .
"Take a seat" he orders.

I sat and started the convo.
"Hello . Mr.Malhotra ,I am sukriti , sukriti dutta and I have been appointed as a junior designer in this new era project ."- I say
"I know"- he replies without even looking ones...his replies seem cold and as if he is not wth .... I am in his company and he should be actively encounter all his employees. He has a serious problem or else how can a person be so cold ? .

" Today there's a meeting .you won't participate . You will observe ...but don't think it as a free day . Get back to work... As you won't join the meeting you need to write all kinds of details from the meeting... I will meet you after the meeting " - he notifies me .
"Okay sir"- I reply with eagerness and also with rising tension and heat in my body .
I got back to work .
My work place was on the above floor and was kinda huge compared to my previous work place .
The tension of the meeting details that I have to write over powered me.
I knew I can do it .
But when he speaks makes my all guts or efforts to do something go in vain.

It's not like I feel too weak ..
I tremble......causing an weird feeling to pass over me......
I don't know what it is .... I have never felt that .....

--------------------------------------------------☆♡ a romance novel by samadrita.
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