𝐜𝐡:- meeting, stories, changes,

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--------------------------𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗✿✷

The meeting is scheduled on 4pm after every employee have their lunch .
This is what I was informed by Rittika..
It was 10:30 am and I had a lot of time..
So I decided to meet jenna in the creators team cause she is the one ik.

But then suddenly my boss came up and handed me a pile of works which I need to do before the meeting starts ....
It was
like wtfffff
75 copies and I need to tidy thoroughly
He is sure a damn maniac
I wonder what he does with his books and laptop and phone all day..
It' ' not like je watches memes bcs he doesn't laugh ..he is cold...
Like antarticaaaa.
More than antarticaaaa..
If anyone touches him... That person will fucking freeze...

Anyways thinking about him is a wastage of my precious time whe I don't have that.
I soon start reading and studing it.
Every information passes like a tangent over my head .still I continue bcs ik it is the only option I am left with.

3:30 pm.
I am still struggling with huge paper works as I wasted my 18 mins in the lunch break .
We all need to be present in the meeting room by 3:45 pm and it's time for me to get fuck up.

How can a person be so cruel that he just handed out all the paper works for 1000 yrs to complete in 5 hrs....
I hateeeee it

3:45 pm
I am still reading in the meeting .
And there arrives ranvir malhotra
He is a frame of handsomeness and hotness without any emotion ...

He enters and the whole room goes silent...
He takes his seat and Rittika asks who want to give their replresentation.
Everyone did one by one .and I took their notes..
Like all
Not Even missing a single point.
10 people gave their presentation
And the last was the best presentation..
It was made by ritwik. I don't know him yet...yet ik that he is a cute guy and he is every attentive towards his career

We go out of the hall and Rittika aporoaches me saying ranvir was calling me.
I went there.
I was scared as hell
As scared that I could pass out at any point of time .

"Take a seat and don't be afraid"- he claims taking his head up and making an eye contact.
I choke up while he makes an eye contact and you know what ????

I am sure something is hella wrong with this person.
Cause why he will suddenly act so sweet.like not so but yea compared to his personality ... it' s soooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Sweet .
He asks me to give the detail of the meeting and I explain him....
Like the meeting ended up at 7:00 pm and now it's 9:15 pm I am still explaining .
No other employees are there which I notice when I pause to drink some water..
It's just us. Me and ranvir malhotra.
Totally alone....
And no one else here..and it's night
Fucking 9:15 pm
And I am staring at him not knowing still to continue or to stop.

He asks me again to continue .
I start continuing and he gets up of his chair or luxurious seat what ever you say. Comes closure to the podium.
9:20 pm I take a glimpse of the clock
He comes more closure
I pause..
And suddenly
The blackout takes place
And I feel a lip smashed in mine making me breathless ad my first kiss ever...taken by my boss
I don't know what's going on but I don't stay silent..I reply him with a strong volt of a kiss which sends shrill down to our bodies..
We are too close to each other that I can feel his heat growing .
Everytime we come close a certain feeling approaches me..
He cupped my cheeks and started to kiss me more passionately. Our body presses against each other .and then I realised ....

It's. Wrong .
What we are doing is completely out of track
-⁠☆♡ a romance novel by samadrita
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