ch :- too late

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"So why did you call me where?" I asked.
" I might seem jealous ..which I actually am and I don't really care of what the shit you think about me ......the thing is yes I deliberately want to break your fking marriage which might seem to u as genuine butvis not..see ranvir can never fall in love.
It is grave mistake to think so " aishi said in one go
" See I don't want to know what you wanna do...but try to instigate me against ranvir once more...I might kill you" i fored myself to say it
" Ranvi-"
" Sukriti" ranvir called and saved me from that bitch
" I was finding you and what are you doing with her? "" Actually YK what NVM " I replied
"Let's go"
We went out and settled ourselves in the scene.
This has been really hectic and it is ..
I got close with Ranvir in this few days.
Without any certainty he became so close to me that I can't imagine him doing wrong!
The rituals went on and we completed it
I was so nervous but it went out well
But suddenly
Someone grabbed me and closed the door
" Again you are such a bitch aishi"
"See  this papers...this are the papers of validation of what you signed ... This are the papers of your property and your father's company and everything "
I was shocked
I was scared
And I didn't fking knew what the hell was cooking there.
I somehow kept myself stable
" What are you trying to say?" - I asked aishi.
" Ranvir loved me forever.... And he will always but as your father betryaed their family and destroyed destroy you je married you...everything is ruined...3 fking lives are ruined and u know what I will get him back matter what.
You are really a bitch ..
I can't even imagine this.
You are now trying to play victim card let me see whether you are even good at drama or not" aishi taunted me .
Pls drop the act and just leave him.
He is mine
All these words started echoing and I knew I am going to black out.
I didn't knew what to do.
I was scared enough to die
Everything was hazy.
Her tauntings made it hard for me .
She was valid
But I can't take any decision.
It is not like she is righteous.

I need to confirm it.
Secretly and until I do it.
I won't take any step further

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