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Excuse any mistakes
"PLEASE"I sobbed snot coming out of my nose my headache still pounding

"How about we use you as an example so you see what happens you lie huh?"

He pointed his sharp knife at Maria before taking duct tape and attaching them to my eye lids making it that I couldn't shut them.

He dragged Maria's chairs infront of mine

"Por favor, por favor"Maria's eyes went wide as the man's Knife sliced through her finger cutting it through completely as it dropped to the ground

As much as I wanted to close my eyes and not witness the trade get I was forced to.

"I'll ask again,Where is he?" He brought his own chair up sitting on it while sipping her blood of the knife


"I don't know who your talking about please I just want to go-" I stopped mid sentence as his talk figure treaded up to me "IM NOT LYING "

I begged

I wanted all my limbs on my body he ripped the tape that had bound my hands and legs down

Across from me Maria looked traumatized she no longer begged instead you could just hear her soft hiccups and see the tears that fell down from her face.I took the opportunity to take the hurting tape off of my face.

He bent down to my level
"Fine if your not lying and want your life kill her" He pulled a gun from his torso throwing it infront of me

"Ziara he's lying!...don't do it he's just going to kill you after"Maria finally found the strength to lift her head looking me in the eyes

As much as I hated her right now I knew she was right

It's an empty gun he's just testing me..

"Go on pick it up" he kicked it closer to me with his foot,As instructed I picked the gun up with my trembling hands

"Now point it at her"Again I listened

"Now pull the trigger mamas"

Bowing the gun wasn't loaded I pulled the trigger

But I was wrong.

As soon as I pulled the trigger back a ear piercing sound hit my ears my hands jerking back a little and I dropped the gun only to see Maria in the chair with a bullet wound sitting limp.

The love I never gotWhere stories live. Discover now