Ch.16: Past Convictions

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The citizens are running in panic, desperate for help, as chaos ensues. Izuku and I exchange a determined glance, knowing that we need to act quickly to save the city from destruction.

With a deep breath, Izuku jumps off the rails and into the city below. I quickly follow him, activating my grapple hook to swing from building to building in pursuit. As we navigate through the chaos, we can hear the cries of the citizens growing louder, fueling our determination to bring peace back to the city.

"We need to get to the center of the commotion!" I shout over the chaos, determination in my voice. "That's where we'll find the source of this madness and put an end to it once and for all."

"What was with that guy who looks like Nomu?" Izuku asks, his brow furrowed in concern.

"I don't know, but we need to focus on stopping the chaos before it's too late," I reply, with urgency in my tone.

As we make our way through the chaotic streets, Izuku suddenly shouts, "Jakku! Over here!" and he runs into a nearby alleyway. I turn and follow closely behind him, trusting his instincts as we navigate through the maze of buildings.

Emerging at the other end of the narrow alleyway, we come face to face with not one, but two powerful Nomu's fighting against multiple heroes. In that moment, a hero yells at us, "Get away from here! It's too dangerous!"

Izuku says to me, "We need to find Iida; he's probably by himself, and we need to help him before it's too late." I nod in agreement, and without hesitation, we head out of the alleyway and look for him.

As we make our way through the chaos, dodging debris and explosions, I say to Izuku, "This is the same city that we heard the Hero Killer is currently residing in. And there are people like Nomu running around. I may be wrong, but that feels like both him and the League of Villains that attacked us are connected in some way."

Izuku's eyes widen at the realization, and he says to me, "Do you think that the Hero Killer is also in this city right now?"

I nod, my heart racing. "It's definitely a possibility..." I pause for a second, realizing where he probably is. "We both know that Iida wasn't at the fight we just left. And we know he has a grudge against the Hero Killer for what he did to his brother..."

Izuku realizes what I'm implying and then shouts, "We need to find Iida before it's too late!"

We dash through the alleyways, and after a few minutes, we finally spot Iida in the distance, facing off against a man with a serrated katana in hand... It seems...familiar to me.

Iida is pressed against the floor as the man raises his katana, preparing to deliver a killing blow. Without a second thought, Izuku sprints towards him and punches him away from Iida.

"M-Midorya...Tsuki?" He stutters, looking up at us in shock and relief. "We're here to help, Iida. Hang in there," I say to him, turning to the Hero Killer.

"How'd you find me?" he asks.

"We saw it on TV; they had some stats on the Hero Killer, and most of his victims were found where there were not many people around. So we looked around for areas in the city that fit that description and found you here," Izuku explains.

"You're lucky we did, now get up, you need to get out of here," I add, extending a hand to help Iida up.

"I can't move my body... It must be his quirk; since he caught me, I was paralyzed," Iida responds, his voice strained.

I glance around the alleyway and see someone else; it's a hero huddled in a corner, their costume torn and bloodied. "One of us has to stay here and fight while the other one gets these two out of here."

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