Chapter 13: Turn the Tide

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Chloe inhaled the ocean's salty tang and the zest of sun-kissed oranges when she stepped into Cinderella Punk. The trendy seaside vegan bar buzzed with lively conversations and the distant whoosh of surfers carving through the azure waves. The decor, a medley of recycled wood and vibrant greenery, cast an earthy glow.

Her eyes settled on the alfresco area where Damian sat alone, gazing at the ocean, his posture a silhouette of melancholy and contemplation. The sight of him—a mix of vulnerability and familiar strength—struck her deeply, reigniting old feelings.

His golden hair fluttered in the ocean breeze, catching the sunlight, making him almost ethereal, like a dream she once held dear. His features, reminiscent of a Norse god carved from myth, held a stoic grace. Yet, his eyes had a new softness that hadn't existed before. It hinted at battles fought and perhaps lost, revealing a depth of guarded feelings.

Chloe's mind raced with questions about his life. Was he married now? Engaged, perhaps? She noticed the absence of a ring and wondered about the mysterious Gemma she'd overheard from his phone conversation. Her stomach twisted with anxiety while her heart fluttered with hope.

A tan Doberman Pinscher by his side perked up, its demeanor as reserved and protective as its owner.

"Down, Diva," Damian ordered, holding the leash tight. He turned to Chloe, his eyes sparkling as he grinned. "Hey, stranger."

Returning his smile, Chloe felt a rush of old emotions. "Hey, yourself. Mind if I greet your dog?"

"Sure, Diva's friendly once she knows you're okay," he reassured, his voice still carrying that calming effect it always had on her.

Chloe extended a tentative hand, letting Diva sniff it. "Hey, sweetie. Aren't you beautiful?" she whispered, her touch gentle. The dog's warm tongue brushed her palm in acceptance, a simple act of trust that felt significant.

"Want a drink? Maybe something light to eat?" Damian asked, his eyes never leaving hers.

Chloe placed one hand on her stomach. "I had a good breakfast an hour ago, but the spinach and ginger juice here is delish and great for my energy levels. Do you want to try it?"

He chuckled—a sound that used to light up her world. "Yeah, that sounds good. I could use a pick-me-up after the week I've had."

As they ordered, Chloe couldn't help but scoot her chair closer, an involuntary gravitation toward his presence. She regretted the impulsive move when her foot accidentally brushed his under the table. She laughed it off with a hint of sarcasm, "Sorry, my bad. And, at least, you have a job to wear you out."

His smile was tinged with sadness. "It's a job, sure. But I've learned there are more important things in life."

"The hard way?" she queried, her tone softening.

"The hardest," he admitted, then hesitated before adding, "Actually, speaking of jobs, there might be an opportunity for you. I've acquired a firm and it's undergoing restructuring. My team has removed the deadwood, and we're now bringing on talented people."

Her heart raced with a mix of hope and suspicion. "Which firm?"

"Simmons," he said casually, not realizing the weight of his words.

Chloe's eyes widened as the waiter placed two big juice glasses on the table before returning to the bar. "Simmons? They just let me go."

Damian's expression furrowed, his hand reaching out toward hers in a bid for solace.

She recoiled. "Did you know? Is that why you conveniently bumped into me the other day? To watch me crumble? Was your goal to break me completely, to strip away everything I have?"

Damian's Seduction (The Steamy Billionaire Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now