How Wonderful Life Is

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Something changed that night between us. That night on the bridge, when Neil tossed my duplicate desk set into the night sky. I haven't been able to quite pinpoint what it was that changed, shifted between us. But the air has definitely felt different. There was something more in his eyes when I caught his gaze across the library. There was something stronger in his hands when he wrapped his arm around my shoulder when we walked. There was something electric in the room when we stayed up half the night laughing in our beds. There was suddenly something new between us. Like static electricity we couldn't seem to shake, and I knew he felt it too. When the laughter would die down and the lights were long past out, the air would settle, and you could almost see it. The static electricity, that is. Bouncing around in the air between us, jumping from one anxious boy to the other.

I've been steadily reading through The Bell Jar, a recommendation from Neil. It is now a week past my birthday, a week past the flight of the desk set. I hear the doorknob jiggle, and in comes Neil, a big goofy grin plastered onto his face.

"I thought you'd gone with the others?"

Our friends had all decided to sneak out tonight, something we liked to do once or so every week. We went to a cave our friend Charlie had happened upon, and joked, laughed, told stories, danced around. I'd planned on going, but had been feeling off for most of the day and chose last minute not to go. We always stayed out quite late when we went, and I guess Neil decided to leave early.

"Well, I lied." He says, pushing the door shut with a kick of his foot, one of his hands behind his back. "You didn't seem like yourself today, so when you said you wouldn't be joining tonight, I took it upon myself to seize the opportunity."

"The opportunity to do what?"

"It's a surprise," He'd managed to shimmy out of his coat, keeping whatever was in his hand hidden from sight. "And you need to close your eyes for it."

"Oh Neil," I start in protest. "You know how I feel about-"

"I know, I know, but trust me on this one. I think you're, I know you're really going to like it."

Reluctantly, I close my eyes, making a big show of it by squeezing them tight and scrunching my nose at him. I hear a clunk on my desk, followed by a "Shit!" I laugh, Neil joining in.

"I take it back, we're good, we're good." he says through his laughter. I almost think about taking a peak, when a hand touches my face, fingers finding their way across my eyes. I feel his other hand slide across my back, making its way to my shoulder where it gives a tight squeeze.

"Okay now walk forwards with me," he says, putting us in motion.

"Neil, what's this all about?" I prod, but walk along with him anyways.

"You'll see."

He guides me along, but not without walking me straight into the foot board of my bed.

"Ah!" I exclaim, neither of us able to contain our laughter.

"Whoops!" he shouts, hugging me close to him from behind. "That was not a part of the plan, but you're fine, keep walking." We finally make it all the way over to what I assume is my desk.

"Okay," he says, taking his hand off my eyes, keeping the other one firmly on my shoulder. "Open."

I open my eyes, and see before me sitting on my desk, a tape player. I feel my mouth drop open. It's beautiful, the plastic so shiny. I run my fingers across the buttons, then the speaker, feeling all the little holes where the sound comes out.

"Happy birthday Todd!" I can't speak. I can't seem to make any sound come out at all. "Do you like it? I had hoped to have it earlier, and actually be on time for your birthday. But since you let me believe your date of birth was a month later than it actually is, my resources were slightly limited." he continues going on, and I continue to stare in amazement at the wonderful piece of technology sitting on my desk. "And then the whole thing with the desk happened and I just felt so bad, but it was so late coming so I understand if-"

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