Into the spider verse 

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Okay again to clarify, this is not me restarting my Multiverse fanfiction. This is what the idea was originally supposed to be before I heard about the pushback with beyond the spider verse.

I just want everyone to keep that in mind and please don't forget to leave a vote to end a comment and I will see you all next time

Izuku point of view

The house blew up. The only lead we had to finding all for one is now gone. He could be anywhere and we're running out of time and I keep sending assassins after me to hurt and hunt me down and other people are getting hurt in the process. I can't let other people get hurt because of me this whole thing is my fault if I had just captured Tomera When I had the chance. None of this would've happened. I need to fix this... On my own it's the only way to keep everyone safe that's why I left ua Keep my friend safe now, to keep all might, Hawks and endeavour safe, I have to go out on my own

All might to tries to stop me: Young Midoriya! Please don't do this you can't do this by yourself

I put on my mask to make sure he doesn't see my tears : all might you don't have to follow me around anymore This isn't your fight anymore it's mine and I need to finish it on my own... Goodbye

Liquid comes out of my hands and I swing away as I hear my mental crying out for me to stop but I charge forwards. I know this is going to destroy him but it's the only way he can be safe. The Demon kings not interested in him anymore, it's me he wants all might deserves some peace he's given up so much and he's been through so much pain. It's my turn to carry that pain it's my turn to carry the responsibility of all the past users. It's my turn to be the hero, even if the world that says that it doesn't need me, I'm still a hero, I'm not the hero they wanted nor the hero they deserve, but I'm the one they need even if they don't realise it yet

I land on top of a roof top a few blocks away from where I left my teacher, reason why I stopped is because the past users want to talk to me the first comes out with a fog off my mind: nine, you can't do this to yourself, you can't push people away, you'll need their help

So that's what this is about. Even they think I need help I don't I need to keep them safe: this isn't about getting help. This is about keeping them all safe

Nana Shimura appears: kid, you can't do this you can't just keep pushing people away. I did that and look where at got us. Don't make my mistake keep your friends and family close don't push them away

I'm done listening to them, so I just walked through them ignoring their advice. I know they've been through this before but... I can't lose anyone else.

The first tries to get my attention again, but this time he seems more desperate : nine... Look behind you!

Turn around and I see why nine was worried I look out at the city that seems to be glitching like like a video game is this an allusion is it someone's quick what is going on?

I try to move, but I can't somethings grabbed my legs I look below and there's a black hole that's in gulped my bottom half I try using black with the pull myself out but it's not working whatever this is it's too strong I tried to pull myself out, but it's no good. Whatever this is it's pulling me in. It's now up to my neck and engulfs me for second, everything is dark, then the unexpected happens

the portal it's like a rainbow of colours, there's no sound other than me screaming as it feels like I'm being pulled into spaghetti am I going at the speed of light or something?

I see the end to the portal I brace myself once I get through I land on the floor of what appears to be a Rooftop like the one I got teleported from, but there are severe differences now it's night time and it appears that I'm in the New York times Square wait so does that mean I crossed the ocean But it doesn't make sense, no teleporting power, no matter who it is, is that powerful enough to teleport someone to the opposite side of the Earth, it's just not even if you took it for me to answer the best you would probably get was maybe a close by continent, not the other side of the world

The fourth user appears : I don't like this, something ain't right here

I respond : you think I'm in New York somehow well I should be in Japan I'll never be able to get back in time before all for one is ready

The fourth shook his head: no, it's not that look around everything... different

I was confused, already mentoring another continent. Of course it's supposed to be different, but when I took a closer look, I began to see what he meant was no quirks what I mean by that is there is no animal like people walking around. There's no Hero agencies , There wasn't even any hero merchandise which is unbelievable because New York is one of the biggest placed for heroes apparently you can't go anywhere without seeing at least 10 so why can't I see any at the moment?

The third user appears : this isn't right, I don't think we're in our world is New York this looks like some sort of time before quirks before the idea even came into reality, but that's not possible we couldn't have time travelled hey, it's just not possible isn't it?

He's right time is impossible with discovered that 15 years ago, even though Work is pretty much allow us to do anything imaginable. It seems that there was still some things that we couldn't happen to like time travel when it was attempted it didn't end well there was a massive explosion which took out the entire island of the experiment was housed on after that time travel is forbidden from ever being tested or tried. So what is this someone playing a joke on me

The second user, the quietest of them all, and the one that still got a problem with me : I don't think so it's crazy it's gonna sound blessing call ourselves into another dimension. Want to look at the stars are in the wrong place and look down their advertisement so different like coca-Cola, the brand is been going for nearly 300 years now and they've never once changed how they present their product to get here it's completely different. How does that work?

I turned around to face the past users drive to unravel this strangeness: so let me get this straight, you think, or teleported into another dimension... Honestly, would not be the craziest thing ever happened to me, but really are we going to suggest that life is turned into Science fiction the Multiverse is just a myth, a theory even if it did exist, how could anyone prove it?

The second user : well, this myth, this legend, whatever it is just got proven. Have a question how we going to get back

That's a good point I'm not in my dimension at this moment which means there's no one to start the Demon king from taking over the world. I have to get back how maybe someone here could help me, but who there doesn't seem to be any...

Nana Shimura : hey kid, looks like there was someone that could've help you take a look at the screen

I looked where she's pointing and on the giant screen in the centre of New York. He was playing some news. Something under the lines of Peter Parker revealed to be Spider-Man found dead. Apparently he was some kind of superhero and by the looks of it. He was New York's only one

I feel sorry for this New York, but I have my own problems to figure out, but with the only superhero in the entire city gone, who could possibly help me: maybe someone who knew him can help me out if he's the only superhero he's got to have something to do with this interdimensional travel maybe we could- aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

My body felt like it was being torn from the inside out. I look at my hand and it looks like I was glitching the same way. My world was when I first got teleported here the sensation only lasted for a moment, but it hurt like hell.

When I finally was able to get back up, the first user came to me : i'm not sure what that was, but we all felt it it seems as if your body does not like being in another dimension I can only theorised that this is going to get worse it the longer you stay here. We need to find a way back home soon... But for now I think you should rest there is no danger here you should take advantage of that take a few hours to rest, you've been through a lot, at least do that there's not much else you can do right now

I want to argue, but he's right whatever that was it really took a lot of my energy out of me plus I don't think you could hurt just get an hour sleep. Thankfully when I was teleported here I was teleported with my bag which had my surprise for sleeping out on the streets since technically right now I'm homeless regardless this is only a temporary rest. Once I feel better I'll go looking for whoever Spider-Man is working with and ask for their help it's my only chance of getting home and fixing my mistake

I'm okay and one more time this is not me restarting my Multiverse fanfiction I'm just going off of what my idea originally was

Deku in Spider-Man into the spider verse and across the spider verse Where stories live. Discover now