Multiverse theory 

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Miles's point of view

When the new Peter Parker agreed to let me help him along with a new guy I thought we were going to instantly start investigating kingpin, but instead he brought us to a diner and now he's eating a cheeseburger disguise seriously Spider-Man in an alternate dimension?

Peter. B with his mouthful: oh, I love, this burger is probably the best program ever eaten. There was a place like this in my dimension, but I got close down a few years ago don't know why

The other guy now known as Izuku where is he likes to be called deku whatever that means, looked at him with the same level, questionability as me: can we please talk about getting home? I've got some stuff I need to do.

Peter: a relax, we got plenty of time, it's not the end of the world

Izuku: you don't know that crime Lord is trying to break the fairy fabric of reality. How old is that not scream end of the world to you how can you not be on age?

Peter finishing off his burger: I'm better at hiding it, but it makes you feel better or explain how the Multiverse works

Finally, we're getting somewhere he throws a bunch of fries onto the table as he explains, which seems like a very poor example, then goes on about how my universe is soggy and weird and gross while his is deliciously normal. Not sure if that supposed to be offensive or not.

Izuku looks at him questionably once again, I can understand why and a part of me thinks that out of the two with him. He's more experience of being hero, judging by the way he dresses and how serious is taking this whole thing: I take it you don't agree with what are you saying?

He nods: yeah, because the whole fries example is not how the Multiverse works, at least not by my world's theory, and we have 200 years ahead of you guys, so maybe you should try listening to my

Peter: oh sure, pretty sure yours is going to explain it so much easier than my

Izuku glares at Peter, and just explains: okay, this is just a theory about how the Multiverse theory appears to my people, the way we see it is more like a tree with the past present and future all in a straight line, but then like trees, there are branches in each branch that comes of the tree forms their own smaller tree and that branch spins off in another direction and another and another. It's basically like a forest of trees that just animates from one tree itself

I have to admit that sounds a lot easier and it makes more sense: I like his theory better

Peter: well, it doesn't matter what kind of theory we use the problem is, we're on the wrong fries or tree branch with a look when you want to say, did your people come up with the theory of how to come back from an alternate dimension Oh wait, I know we just jump back into the collider

Izuku: no, not particularly, because, before they could actually do proper testing the theoretical physicist and cover the possibility of a black hole opening on earth which they weren't gonna take the risk, so they shut the whole project down for even had a chance to begin, same thing happened with time travel just in a different context. And as for jumping straight back into the Collider thing, I don't think that's a good idea because for all we know we could either get disintegrated teleported to another reality or I don't know, get mixed up from which we how do we get since you were you get sent to mine and I get sent to yours which by the way you don't wanna visit right now

Peter: right, so all we have to do is, do you want my old version of myself stole before and will be good come on let's go

The diner owner dropped the bill right in front of Peter before he could leave. He looks at the two of us: you have money right I'm not very liquid right now

Izuku shrugged: I am from Japan that's 200 years in the future. My currency is worthless here not do I have any money to begin with?

The two of them look at me, yeah kind of figured it was going to come to: yeah, okay, I got it

I have to pay for the bill and then we're off on our mission. I thought we were going to swing there but apparently taking the bus is easier and cheaper so I'm stuck in the bus with two super heroes one of which looks like he's harmless to the other one, looks like he's been in a war zone. I don't know what are years about him but he just looks worn out and his costume. Looks like it's been ripped apart multiple times I keep looking at. I'm wondering if I should say something until finally

Izuku: miles, if you wanna talk to me, just talk

I move over to him Luckily, the bus is empty: so sorry about the steering it's just well I'm a bit confused you're not Spider-Man right

Izuku rubbed his tired eyes: no, I am not Spider-Man have never been a Spider-Man in my dimension. Unless you count the evil Peter Parker, who was in assassin for a crime boss, who killed at least 70 people 150 years ago

Okay, maybe that's a sensitive topic: okay, I'm sorry, but if this guy evil, Peter Parker lived 150 years ago. How do you know something about him?

Izuku looked up at me: it's kind of not hard to not know who Peter Parker is. You see miles in my world is 200 years in the future, but the technology is basically the same as it is here. Do you want to know why that is?

I nod as he explains: you see superpowers, like your spider powers, don't come to us by radioactive spiders, or radioactive waste or whatever you wanna say we are born with them or at least 80% of the population is... He didn't start out this way though way back roughly round 2042, I think hallway was born, literally a radiated light after that other kids started showing superpowers. Let's just say not. Everyone was on board with it laws and human rights were hotly debated because it became impossible to tell what made a person a person I need some of the powers that were coming out, made someone look more animal than human.

Oh, I think I know where this is going: let me guess people started discriminating against people with superpowers

Izuku nodded: oh, but that's not the worst of it. During this chaotic Peery of change There was one man who manage together many people to his calls. He went by the name of his power all for one he could steal powers from others, and keep them for myself, or give them to someone else he manipulated others to do his will willingly by altering their abilities. However, there are many poor souls that couldn't survive the process.

I'm shocked by all of this, but I'm just confused about one thing. What does he mean by survive the process he's giving them more powers that was relatively painless for me that again I did get my powers from a spider bite now arranged lunatic: what do you mean they didn't survive they died?

He shook his head: no, it's worse than that, they became like mindless living dolls, capable of speaking and incapable of thinking for themselves. That's the man that my Peter Parker worked for. Apparently I don't know why he did. Maybe he offered this Peter Parker with more powers. Maybe he's the one that gave him the powers or maybe he just manipulated his way, thinking I know you said with great power comes great responsibility well in this chaotic time of change it would kind of look like this villain was trying to bring order to the world so maybe this Peter Parker, just lost his way, and thought that following the Demon king what is the right thing to do? I don't know miles am I really don't know

I guess that makes sense still, though, it's hard to imagine that Spider-Man of any reality would just join the bad guys: okay, next question, why are you so tired and what happened to your costume?

Izuku: there was a jailbreak well, actually many jailbreaks, and I've been fighting for I don't know how long anymore to try and fix everything but nothing is working. Everyone's just telling me to go away or they're afraid of me. All I wanna do is help but everyone's not giving me a chance anymore. Everyone thinks that we should just let the villains one wild and fall under the rule of the great Demon king, that still around right I forgot to mention the guy that Peter Parker used to work for. He still alive, and before you ask He found a way to be immortal.

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