This hero thing 

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Narrators point of view

After looking at each other, got smacked for a few seconds the Dekus finally turned back to the spider, people, listening to their stories about how they got their powers, and how they got here

(start watching video from three minutes, and 37 seconds and watch until four minutes, and 22 seconds)

Izuku Rolling his eyes: let me take a guess you are minding your own business support opened up in the next thing you knew you were in New York just not your New York

Spider- Noir: okay, maybe not that long... Anyway, I met up with sir knight over there penny came across a young lady, and porker found the rabbit

Peter: yeah now actually that we're talking about it, how is green in here? I mean, inspire people, I get this version of Spider-Man got thrown into the Collider that created a pathway that allowed us to come here, but why is greeny here? It is doesn't make sense. No, it's any of you

All the Dekus: none taken

Rabbit izuku: hey, can we do the same in the direction thing that they just did please please please

Knight izuku: yes, yes, remarkable idea young rabbit first, tell our story of our journey as a hero to all

The original Izuku rolled his eyes. He was killing a bit tired of the middle earth version of him being dramatic: okay, just please try and make it quick and don't tell them about them... Well we all know I think we should tell them another time

The variations of them self nodded, leaving the other spiders, confused what was it that they wasn't telling us they thought, but they got quickly distracted by the stories of each izuku Midoriya also known as Deku

Knight deku went first: my name is izuku Midoriya in my world the world of miss and legends in magic I have been chosen a simple Squire to defeat the The Demon king me at my party of heroes in training, we desperately fight against the hordes of evil in the hopes to stop the Demon king once and for all because it is destiny get through this battle scenes in this and-

The girl Version of Deku interrupted the story and started explaining her own: my name is Izumi Midoriya and in my world, I am the one and only deku i'm pretty sure you know the rest, I clean the beach prove myself to my longtime hero all might received my new best friend from being crushed by a giant robot fast forward. Stopped the hero killer saved a kid from the Woman that killed her parents saved my old best friend from the hands of the Demon king-

Izuku interrupted: yes, kind of sounds like the same thing that happened to me

The rabbit izuku started his story: my name is izuku The hair I am the new student at UA High school for superhero in training, where I work closely with my all-time favourite hero, The big dog himself all might ! Well I'm not training mate, allowed to become the greatest hero of all time I'm helping my mum out at home tell me the whole show makes the loveliest carrot cake-

Izuku actually, having enough of hearing story's: okay, we get it went quick question do any of you know why you were brought here?

Knight deku shrugged: unfortunately, I haven't a clue good, sir... At first, I thought it's always an allusion sit by evil, wizard that swore allegiance to Demon king in exchange for immortality

Izumi: I was testing out my new hero suit when I pulled up, just opened up below my feet and I got sucked into this

The hair: I don't have a clue either, I just thought I didn't land on my lucky foot but in all seriousness, I really just wanna go home

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