You're like me X2

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Narrators point of view

King, Penny, wise, only just starting to calm down after The at a ignorance of his henchmen, letting three Spider-Man or spiders escape, along with that guy that dressed as a raving green rabbit, but he was beginning to calm down again. The glider was going to be activated tonight, and he could finally see his family again.

At least that's what he hoped for, but when someone entered into his office, he didn't realise he stood up before long and knife was sharply, placed around his throat, kingpin had no reaction : you kill me, and you'll have to spend the rest of your very short life running whoever you are

The person hidden in the shadows revealed to be the male toga just giggled as he removed his knife from the man's throat and jumped down back onto the floor: hey hey, you don't need to be so jumpy I'm actually here because I want to help well I want you to help me so I'll help you

Kingpin intrigued by this, partly because this teenager managed to get past the security without being spotted, so we sat down in his chair and insisted that the crazy male sit down on the other side: what exactly could you do for me?

Toga: well, I should point out that it's not just me that wants to help you with that. I have two other associates that I would like you to meet, but before that we want to know if we get the job you see your Collider thingy kind of grabbed us from our ultimate world as well, and we want to go back but not before we kill a certain someone

Kingpin: who Spider-Man?

Male toga shook his head: no we're not after the spandex guy, it's the guy in green we want you see is alternate self is on our bosses kill list on our world so we are thinking we use this alternate version as a practice run to kill our version

Kingpin nodded, somewhat understanding the situation: alright, that seems confusing, but reasonable how exactly would is there anything to do with me? I know he's working Spider-Man but I've already killed one spider three more and some kid won't be a problem

Another voice emerged from the shadows. This time it was accompanied with some blue flames as a female figure walked out of the shadows enlightened by her flames: it's not that simple

 This time it was accompanied with some blue flames as a female figure walked out of the shadows enlightened by her flames: it's not that simple

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Female Dabi deflated her hand and sat down: to be honest with you I'm okay with just letting him do where he wants, but unfortunately we need your Collider to take us home. You can do whatever you want with it just after you're done let us use it to get back to our reality.

Kingpin : what's in it for me? Side, another headache.

Dabi: protect your Collider from the spiders and the little brat you get to do whatever you want with it. We get to kill our target and we get to use your Collider to go home, sides, I don't see what you have to lose. I mean the more security for that thing the better besides, wouldn't you rather be rid of Spider-Man once and for all

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