Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape 

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Izuku's point of view

Okay so we get off the bus a bit of 5 miles off of a suppose it location where we're supposed to steal something that can help us get home not a huge fan of stealing butts considering what's at stake I'm willing to open up to the suggestion is that it's stealing from criminals is that even actually count there is a crime

There were walking through the snow, infested forest, waiting to get to this secret lab no, actually, it's not much of a secret okay, secret evil lab, that's really evil... Oh my God, I've been spending too much time around these two

Peter decides to ask me more questions about the other version of him from my dimension : so I was a bad guy I get that but... I mean do you release know why I was back I maybe had a good reason and you said it yourself the time I was born in your universe wasn't exactly peaceful.

I quickly glance at the first user, who has been hovering over me for the past few days, I don't know why he doesn't really say anything, he just stands there, staring and occasionally nodding

I roll my eyes, as I'm really not in the mood for this: future for the hundredth time I do not know I just know that you are a bad guy that's it. I don't know your reasons. I don't know why all I know is that you were happily working for a very bad person he could've tricked you could've manipulated you, he could've been forcing you somehow I just don't know and to be honest I really couldn't care because it's in the past ancient history for me. So can we please just not talk about it

I walk past him, trying to speed up to get away, but I heard Peter: geez, people say I'm miserable... You could lighten up a bit

No I cannot, because right now I'm in another dimension, where are you I should be at Home fighting an evil bad guy who's trying to take over the world, but I hold my anger in and frustration because I really need their help to get me home: okay look, I'm sorry I've lost my temper... It's just I haven't been round people in awhile because of the way my world is at the moment I just had to distance myself from my friends I didn't want to, but I just thought it would be safer for them

Miles: that sounds kind of sad dude

It is, and I'm not gonna deny that: yeah I know trust me I do but I have to do my friends could be in danger. Remember that evil guy I told you about the one that lived for 200 years well guess what he has no filter and no problem bringing anyone into this fight he will do whatever it takes to win so that way, they're safer where they are besides, it's me that he wants, I just need to keep his focus on me and not my friends or family

There was a long silence after that comment, and when Peter finally started talking, he actually sounded serious: kid I know this isn't gonna come much from me considering I'm not from your reality. I'm the one of me that is a criminal but... Don't push your friends away they know who you really are. They know about your secret as you put it don't push them away keep them close trust me when I say you're thank me for that later.

I remain quiet as we just walk through the forest after that pondering what Peter said, maybe... Maybe he's right, I mean, thinking back or the past uses pushed everyone who knew them away because they didn't want them to get hurt, but maybe just maybe that's what all for one wants he wants us to push the people that can help us away So that we're easier target... I don't like the idea of putting my friends in danger. They're my only friend I ever had, but didn't wise man once say it's better to love and loss there, not to love at all maybe when I get back, I should rethink my lone wolf strategy but for now I'll focus on getting home

We arrive at the lab and So Peter and Miles get changed. Miles in his costume with a new add-on of a cape, which I think it's just a tablecloth neck, he wrapped around his neck

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