Izuku on Earth 363 

203 10 3

I made the Earth number up

Just to clarify, this takes place a year after the big battle ended, so this is after the manga finished

Izuku's Point of view

Okay everyone, so let's do this one more time my name is Izuku Midoriya I was chosen by my favourite hero and idol all might to become the ninth wheeler in a power known as one for all so so for the last year and a half now I've been the one and only deku. I'm pretty sure you know the rest. I saved my childhood bully now turned somewhat, the best friend, got enrolled in UA high got attacked by villains, got attacked by villains again and again, and again and again, and may be a little too much

Anyway, getting off topic fast forward six months after that the bad guy escaped from prison, causing mayhem and chaos. I abandoned my friends because I have to go finish a 200 year year-old fight by myself or at least that's what I believed and then I abandoned my mental because I wanted to protect him which led me to getting thrown into another dimension which turned out to be secretly another one of all four ones evil plans

But anyway, you know the rest, I met some new friends decided it was time to face my past traumas met. The girl of my dreams stopped all one's evil plan, but lost the girl of my dreams. Defeated the Demon king with the help of my good friend Miles, and then chase him into the collider and ended up back in my own dimension but that's old news. Well not exactly that happened a year ago anyway

what happened after that is I met up with my friends I apologised to them for running away and agree to come back UA to rest they were confused by my sudden change of heart and I can't blame them for them. I've only been missing for two days for me. It feels like a lifetime. I didn't tell any of them about my insane journey not even at all might

This was partly due to the fact that I couldn't even believe it myself, plus explaining it would probably take too much time and we didn't have that along with the fact saying that I went to one of the universe sounds absolutely insane. I will probably get me locked up in the loony bin.

Anyway, after some... "mild complications" we were able to defeat the paranormal liberation front all for one and the embodiment of destruction they're all behind bars well some of the more toga and if you or the other not very mentally stable villains have been given the opportunity to over come there different issues and are receiving medical help that they desperately need apparently after the whole announcement of how toga we came home she was there was mast out rage saying that she needed help and I couldn't agree more so now she's getting the help she needs sure she's not going to be what we call normal anymore but then again who is

With the villains out of the way society is so leave being able to be put back together. The hero community is building its numbers back up, but we're not going back to the way. Things were a lot of the hero, communities, darkest secrets like how they used Hawks as an assassin has come to life and well. The public isn't happy about it so right now super human community is on eggshells but things should work out in the end. Hopefully

Well enough about that stuff onto a bit of stuff about me. I am doing fantastic ever since the Collider I have been more confident in myself my grades have gone up. I've been stopping bad guys and things just couldn't be better with my life  i've taken more of an initiative with my skill with artwork. I've even started learning to play the drums things. Just keep getting better and better for me... Although I really do miss my friends it sucks because I can't go and see them. I can't go and see Gwen even though I really really want to, I know what Gwen said and how I should be moving on, but I just can't stop thinking about her

I miss her I miss Miles. I miss everyone even the other versions of me which is weird the worst part about it is I can't tell anyone about what happened partly because I don't even know where to begin to explain it all so it's don't want them to think I'm crazy they already think it's strange they suddenly had a 180 on my behaviour and attitude add that to the fact that I'd start talking about how I want only venture in another universe yeah that's going to end well plus even if the people do believe it you're completely shattered them mines on what makes reality reality mean other worlds we're always theorise but I actually have proof that they exist The problem is I don't think that information that the public wants to know no one needs to know so for now I just restrain myself and let the days go by wondering how my other friends are doing. I hope they're okay. Maybe one day I'll be able to see them again. I just hope that day comes soon.

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