~As Long As He Thrives~

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Beginning Note(s): YOOOO ITS BEEN A WHILE


It wasn't anything special when they returned home. They were welcomed back with great hugs and happy Aunties and Uncles... so why did Katsuki feel as if something was so wrong? Why did his chest feel tight as he watched Izuku go off to converse with his father... he couldn't tell what was going on but he surely didn't like it. As he sat, staring at the two leave the room, he didn't move, didn't say a word. Only looked in silence until, "You okay?" Someone voiced, making him flinch out of his thoughts. His ruby eyes glanced to the side, meeting eyes with Izuku's mother. "You're staring at him like a worried puppy." She laughed softly, knudging him.

"I-I'm okay... yeah." Katsuki responded, his voice a gruff calm. "Izuku just... I dont know, but there's this feeling im getting and I just don't get it." Katsuki explained, staring at the ground. He didn't want the embarassment of looking at the greenet's mother while talking about his feelings of all things.

"Izuku is okay, Katsuki. Now, I don't know what you're worried about but, for the time being, you see him, right? You see him thriving and going on about life perfectly. Is that something to be worried about?" Hera asked, her voice soothing. Katsuki shook his head slowly. "So what are you worried about? Hm?" She asked.

Katsuki was quiet for a moment, he didn't know what to say to explain such an emotion.

"Izuku... he wanted to come home early. You know? From our trip to the island," Katsuki murmured, "that didn't just feel normal... He was having a lot of fun and he loved it there but he wanted to come home early. Then he immediately goes to talk to his dad... it's just all feeling odd." Katsuki sighed. Hera listened intently, wanting to comfort the boy her son would be with forever.

"Izuku... well Izuku is strong. He might be stronger than all of us combined, you know Katsuki. You trust him, right? That if anything is going on you'd be the first he'll keep safe, hm?" She spoke slowly yet her tone perfectly matched her words. "As long as he's thriving you'll be too. I know it." Hera gave him a smile, Katsuki stared at her for a moment.

A smile rested upon that grumpy face of his, and it felt great having such reassurance now implemented into his brain.

Izuku was thriving. He was definitely...

"He'll be coming soon." Izuku stated, his typical happy demeanor gone as he spoke to his father, his tone cold and detached. "I don't know how I know but... Father I swear he's coming soon." Izuku said as he spoke to his dad, Zeus himself.

"Izuku. He hasn't been in contact with any of us for months. Him showing up now doesn't make any sense!" Zeus tried to comfort his son, as it truly didnt make sense to him.

Why would Hades just come out again after so long? He hasn't heard a thing from his brother. Not even Poseidon has. Yet his son is claiming that the man they've been avoiding is planning on coming back up again? It wasn't adding up.

"Don't make me sound like a fool!" Izuku glared, and for whatever reason he just felt angry. He felt really angry, frustrated, pissed off. Something he hasn't felt in forever. "Don't you dare. I promise you. Because if he comes up here and he hurts the people I care about because you didn't do anything... I'll kill him." Izuku seethed. "I'll kill him. Ill destroy everything he built down there and he'll be next. So you best listen to me Father. With all due respect, I know he's coming. So tell me, whats your plan for when I have to leave?" The greenet boy asked, his voice softening, "what will you do with Katsuki once I have to go? Where will he go, are you going to protect him? Because I swear if he gets hurt I'll hurt the world along with it."

Zeus didn't know what to think of such a statement, but he knew Izuku was very much capable of doing as he promised. He knew Izuku could turn earth into a burning place of ash and rot if he wished... "We will figure it out. Okay?" The man sighed, placing a hand onto Izuku's tense shoulder. "Nothing will ever hurt Katsuki as long as we're here, okay? I swear to you, Izuku. As my son, you have my word." He placed a hand across his chest, resting right above his heart.

Izuku looked up at the man, who had raised him since day one. He stared at him with narrowed eyes. Because in his heart in that moment... Katsuki Bakugou was most important. If Katsuki was gone, then what more could he fight for? His family has already done enough for him... what else could he get from them? No... he'd turn the world upside-down for Katsuki. "You know very well what I'd do to you too... do you still keep that oath?" The greenet stared up at Zeus, his clenched jaw faltering.

"I do." Was the simply reply he received. Izuku could only let out a shaky breath as he backed away, his wings flexing slightly as he moved. He exited the room after a moment, shutting the door behind him. Attempting to fix his displeased expression. When he looked up, he was met with concerned filled ruby orbs, that bore into him and studied his face with growing worry.

And just like that, the pale alabaster boy plastered a smile onto his face and hugged his boyfriend tenderly. "Kacchan..." he murmured, his fingers beginning a slow dance within Katsuki's hair. "Are you okay?" He asked, his bright green eyes eliciting a peaceful gleam.

"Y-Yeah...Yeah I'm okay." The ash blond boy responded, his hands tracing circles around Izuku's hips. Leaning forward to rest his head onto the boy's shoulder. In that moment it was only them. Fading away the useless background that was irrelevant to their growing want towards one another.

Izuku grasped Katsuki's hand in his, his expression soft and innocent as he lead Katsuki towards the stairs.

They walked up quietly. In silence as the only sound was an echoing footstep along the stair. A soft thump... they reached their bedroom. Izuku shut the door quietly and locked it behind him. Pressing his nose against Katsuki's, as if waiting for a kiss. "Are you really okay, Katsuki?"

And as he looked into his angel's eyes, he could only smile. Nodding... he trusted Izuku, he really did. "Of course." The ash blond responded, leaning down into a kiss, savouring the taste of such soft, pretty lips against his own, oh how he loved it. Holding the greenet against his body lovingly with mute passion that could only be heard by the two of them. "Are you?" He asked, pulling away with soft pants following his every breath.

"I think so." Izuku responded, letting out a breathy laugh as he wrapped his arms around his lover's nape. "I hope so..." he hummed, hugging the boy in his hold tightly. "I love you..." came from a murmur of hushed adulation.


End Note(s): I hope this chapter was to your guy's liking! I enjoyed writing this, enjoy the rest of your day, evening, or night!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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