~Kami'll Send You..~

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This is literally a crack chapter

For the first time that day, Katsuki was finally able to kiss his lover, when they had come back from the rescue training race and had begun to get dressed, he put the greenette's body flush against his own, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss, the greenette's freckled body heating up a bit as he was bare chest to chest with the blond.

"PDA!" Iida came over a chopped the air beside them, Katsuki only spared him a menacing glance before deepening their kiss.

"No shame, huh Bakubro?" Kirishima sighed, shaking his head.

Izuku began to pat the blond's back as a sign that he needed to take a breath, so Katsuki unlatched himself from the boy, seperating with a string of saliva and a gasp from the panting greenette.

"I-If y-you're going to do that, a-at least give me a warning." Izuku wiped at his chin, giving the taller a glare.

"You got spunk while you were away or something? Never seen a bunny glaring at someone, but I guess you filled the picture." Katsuki smirked just a bit, tucking a green curl behind Izuku's ear to kiss his cheek.

"Kacchan's cruel." Izuku puffed his cheeks as he pouted.

"Yet you love me." The blonde told him, chuckling.


Their english lesson was boring as always, and their modern literature class was just... plain. So when the bell for lunch rang, of course every student jumped out of their seats and ran out of the class, every student meaning the whole Bakusquad who ran down the hall yelling about how they were free.

Izuku giggled as the ash blond yelled from the doorway how they were idiots, and Iida scolding them for being loud. Skipping with his bag on his back, he went up and hooked his arm with the blond boy.

Katsuki didn't say anything, it was like it was completely normal, they both walked down the hallways chatting happily. Uraraka and Iida staying behind as they walked, in a completely awkward silence, the brunette choosing to look the other way while the bluenette looking more stiff than before.

"Hey Iida-kun?" Uraraka broke the silence.

"Y-yes Uraraka-san?" The boy answered.

"D-do you like anyone in our class?" She asked him, rubbing the back of her neck, trying to stop the way her face heated up.

"I do, actually." Iida admitted, looking forward.

"Do you ever wish you could have a relationship like Izuku and Bakugo?" Uraraka questioned.

"Maybe. But that's only if the person I like is ready for that. Right now, she doesn't seem to be." Iida told her, folding his arms.

"W-who do you like?" Ochaco wanted to know, just to make sure that she was ready to get her heartbroken when she decided to woman up and tell him...

"You know them of course, it's the person you wake up to see everyday." Iida said.

"My mom?" Ochaco's voice cracked as she thought about it.

Iida let out a bustling laugh, "No."

"My dad?" She asked.

"No." Tenya answered again, waiting until the brunette figured it out, but that moment was to come another day as they reached the cafeteria, and he walked away to grab his lunch.

The girl walked over to her friends table looking dejected. To which Izuku immediately picked up on as he pat the blond's shoulder as he yelled at his squad. "Hey Urachan, what's wrong?" He asked.

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