~Of Course, A Fever~

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The greenet sat quietly in his lover's lap, having nt moved from that position in the past few hours. He's sat there for so long Katsuki's legs had fallen asleep, though he couldn't even dare try and move him. Izuku was warm, and as was he, meaning that it was a perfect match when cuddling. Izuku probably needed that the most right now. Izuku was just drinking the hot chocolate his mom brought up for him because Katsuki asked that of her. She's been checking on them nonstop since Izuku's home was destroyed. Katsuki had only been looking through his HeroGram the whole time, but he had gotten off his phone to start a movie with Izuku at some point. At some point, Izuku also switched to have his feet positioned at Katsuki's waist while he let his head fall onto the boy's chest as they sat against the backboard of their bed. Ever since Izuku found his home in ruins, he's been more quiet than usual, actually, he and Katsuki were planning on taking a small trip to Izuku's home Island. The greenet thinks that maybe it would clear his mind. They had talked about it before anyways, and now was just the time to put it into action.

Katsuki could feel his own eyes getting heavier, it was about twelve in the morning, Izuku didn't seem all that awake either. To be honest, he's suprised he's still got a grip on that mug. Izuku was constantly nodding off slowly jusr before leaning back and taking small sips of the warm drink. Katsuki smiled softly down at the boy, grabbing the mug slowly out of Izuku's hands, and Izuku just barely reacted before he was sleeping on Katsuki's chest. Katsuki felt his own heart skip a beat, being together for so long but being around so many people all the time, they never took the time to have such moments like this, Izuku knew his family were tiring as well, Katsuki switched positions, allowing Izuku to lay on his arm, curled up to his front, and Katsuki let his head rest on Izuku's head, shutting his eyes in the peaceful quiet of the room. 


The ash blond awoke to his own alarm, already feeling that Izuku was already up. Hearing footsteps walking around the hallway before they stopped, only for a moment for some voices to begin speaking, and the door to his room opened to reveal Mitsuki, the ash blond glared at her before he looked down to see Izuku slightly peaking out from behind her and his face softened, there was a moment of silence... that's when Katsuki finally took in the pain that swelled in his head, how his body felt much warmer than usual, and how he was sweating way more than normal. "Ah, Izuku. He does seem a bit sick... thank you for telling me." Mitsuki turned towards the greenet, who nodded slowly, worriedly as he went under her arm to go towards Katsuki.

"The fuck you mean, I'm sick? I don't get sick. Fuck off." Katsuki growled, until he realized that Izuku was in full uniform, "ah, are we going to be late?" Katsuki questioned, Izuku frowned.

"Katsuki, school already passed... you've been sleeping the whole day... I set your alarm for this hour just incase you didn't wake up for your other ones." Izuku told him, Katsuki's eyes widened, of course. Of course he just had to get sick, "but you know! I've heard sleep is pretty good for your body when you're sick!" Izuku grinned, and sat on the edge of Katsuki's bed, taking his hand into his own and kissing the blond's forehead, "how're you feeling?"

"Like absolute shit."

"To be expected." Mitsuki mumbled from the background, Katsuki once again glared at his mother, who stuck her tongue out at him.

"Ehh well... I've never dealt with a fever before so uh... but I wanna help you feel better! And Mitsuki-san says she's going out with Masaru-san for the night since they had plans and I don't want to have them miss that, I should be able to take care of you myself right?" Izuku smiled nervously, Mitsuki, noticing his change in attitude walked over and ruffled his curls, pushing his head down just a bit.

"You've taken care of Katsuki for such a long time I'm not very nervous about leaving him in your care for maybe a couple of hours." Mitsuki spoke confidently, crossing her arms with a smirk, "besides, if Katsuki needs a beating, you're completely welcome to giving him one." She finished off, the ash blond rolled his eyes at her words, "we'll be going now, okay? Izuku, I trust you. Don't get into any funny business while we're gone." Mitsuki laughed before she was out of the door, and it was another few moments until they heard the front door close shut.

"A-Ah... w-well. Since you're all sweaty, I think maybe you should go bathe while I get changed. Can you walk?" Izuku started off, Katsuki nodded, his legs didn't feel that weak compared to the rest of his body, he should be fine just walking to the bathroom, Izuku looked more nervous than he should be.

"Don't look so scared, dummy. I'm not that sick." Katsuki threw his legs over the endge of the bed, and stood slowly, his legs wobbled a bit as standing only worsened the pain in his head, but he stretched and made his way to the door. Katsuki now had time to think about their situation as he shut the bathroom door behind him, Izuku watched him until the door shut, and then he got up himself to change. Simply into some shorts as well as a shirt, was it his? Most likely not. But it was there and he wasn't going to worry about it. 


Katsuki, certainly didn't think he'd ever find the smoke alarm going off when Izuku was in the kitchen. Never once did he ever think Izuku would mess up something when it came to cooking. So to have run into the kitchen to see Izuku putting out a pot that had caught fire was somethinf he didn't think he'd ever see, it only last a few seconds, Izuku put it out with just a wave of his hand, but when he turned around to see Katsuki, the greenet jumped back, right into the pot- Katsuki hissed when he couldn't catch Izuku before he hell and the pot spilled over onto his back, Izuku screamed for a second before he felt tears well in his eyes, Katsuki didn't waste a second in helping the boy up and he took off his own shirt to clean up what was on Izuku's back, porridge, was it? Completely hot too. The greenet swallowed thickly, and he could feel the hot tears running down his cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry... your mom left me a note to tell me what I should have you eat while you were sick because I have zero expirience of being sick or dealing with sick people up until now, and I was cooking but I got distracted and it caught fire because I might've left it for too long before I realized and you came in and scared me and-" Izuku stop speaking when Katsuki walked around to his front and bent down to kiss Izuku's cheek, under his eye before doing so on the other side, holding the boy's chin in his hands, before leaning down and kissing his lips softly.

"Don't worry about it. Now if you heal your back that'll give me something less to worry about." Katsuku murmured against his lips, Izuku's lip quivered but he nodded and got to healing back, he moved behind Katsuki after the ash blond begun to clean up what was on the floor, flexing his wings, Izuku only watched Katsuki's back. He already messed up... 

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