Douma Ending

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Now that douma was human again, he was debating about disbanding his paradise cult full of worshippers. It's not like he cared for them at all, they were merely amusing in his eyes. He sits idly on the pedestal, hat on his head as he listens bored to what a troubled merchant was saying...something about stole goods..? He didn't know. i don't give a fuck either..—

honestly, he wasn't even paying attention. He wonders what akaza...hakuji..was doing now. He was certain all the former demons were now distanced and doing their own things. He was still stuck in the same spot and he was getting tired of it. He wanted a change, but he didn't know where to start. This place was founded by his parents, but did he care enough to upkeep it??

As the audience room clears out; douma was left alone for a good thirty minutes about to doze off (cause as a human, he's fucking tired now) until he heard his door slide open with a loud resounding BANG!! his rainbow hues dart to a figure casually waltzing in and they shone in amusement as he recognized who it was.

"(y/n)-sama!" douma sits up like a puppy wagging his tail at the sight of his owner. the foreign girl grins, striding up to him, "wassup??" she asks, hand on her hip. she looks around owlishly, ", it's so dull in here." she looks back at him, "no wonder you turned out the way you did, it's so fucking boring in here!" she complains.

disregarding her insult at him, douma chuckles. he was still sitting on his little cushion; resting his head on the back of his hand, legs slightly parted with his other hand dropping in between them. A light smirk on his face as he observes her.

(y/n) was the only one whom visited him at his cult. to be honest, it was getting a little boring just sitting around and listening to people's dumb problems. She was the only person he actually looks forward to seeing despite her visits being once a week tho.

before the foreign girl can utter something else, a rush of footsteps were heard as they came barreling in the audience room. It was the priests and other workers. All men, ofc. (😒)

"hey!! what do you think you're doing trespassing on douma-sama's temple!!? how dare you disrespect his holiness!!" one of them yells at the top of his lungs like a banshee, reaching out to grab her and drag her outside.

before he can do it tho, another hand; much more bigger and rougher swiftly clasped tightly onto the man's wrist, squeezing hard. the man let out a pained wince as he tries to pull his hand back, but douma did not let up. his rainbow hues pierce into the man's terrified ones, "...did i say you can touch her?" he speaks in a eerily calm voice, sending shivers down the priest's spine.

(y/n) owlishly looks at douma, lips parted; stunned. she did not expect him to react in such a way.

the other priests hastily bow down on their knees, "apologies, douma-sama!" they take the other man out, whom was cradling his wrist. despite not being a demon anymore, it doesn't mean douma wasn't strong. He is.

The audience room is quiet as (y/n) looks on amused yet puzzled, she shakes her head, turning back to the blonde, "...anyways, i obviously don't want to spend too long here," she ignores douma's pout, looking into his rainbow hues, "..i came here to ask if you want to get out here......permanently?"

douma furrows his brows, "elaborate, my dear."

(y/n) sighs, she needed to help the poor blonde otherwise he would live out his days in this toxic paradise temple/cult and die miserable and lonely. Her other former demon pals were doing great and she can't sit idly by watching as douma wastes away himself. of course he didn't care, since he has no emotions, but still. She felt bad for him.

"i meant, don't you think it's time to get a new change in environment? let's be real, are you really content with staying here until you're old and grey?? there's so much to do and explore out there and you're stuck in a cult listening to people drone on and on about their sucky problems!" these people to need to invest in a therapy..—

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now