Gyutaro Ending

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The sun bares down on everyone in japan as (y/n) was with gyutaro and daki...ahem ahem, she meant ume. Now that they were back to humans, she can no longer refer to them..or her former demon name.

despite getting their memories back, it was hard for ume and gyutaro to keep up with the era since they were stuck in the entertainment district for so long and haven't traveled anywhere beyond that. So visiting neighboring villages was like a taking a child to an amusement park, although gyutaro was much more reserved about his curiosity.

the two shabana siblings not only were curious about their surroundings but they enjoyed doing it while being in the sun, the warmth of the rays basking down on them. It felt good to walk in the day and not worry about being burnt.

As they pass by the occasional person would give gyutaro a disgusted look. Despite the healing (y/n) did, it did not take away his marks which he was born with. There was a slight disappointment but gyutaro got over it. He was used to it.

gyutaro learned that not everyone is going to like his appearance and may show disgust towards him, but that's okay, because now it doesn't bother him anymore. It used to, but he found people (the hashira's, kamaboko trio, his former demon pals, and (y/n)) who did not judge his physical attributes but accepted him.

The former upper moon six was distracted by his own thoughts he didn't realize he bumped into someone. He darts his eyes to a middle-aged woman, whom dropped her items on the ground from the impact. She bends down to grab them.

(y/n), seeing an opportunity, nudges him. She gestures with a jerk of her head to help the middle-aged woman, which gyutaro reluctantly did, bending down to help her gather up her things faster. They both stood back up as he passes her the items, avoiding her eyes as she gazes at him. He couldn't tell what expression she held, but he assumed it was disgust; like always.


(y/n) looks alongside ume, the former extremely anxious as she was mentally arguing with herself as the silence stretches out the longer the middle-aged woman stares at gyutaro. oh my gawd!!..did i push it too far!? Is she gonna call him ugly!?? or will she look at him disgusted!? I hope not!!

Then...something unexpected happened.

gyutaro looks on wide eyed as the woman profusely thanks him for helping her with her belongings! "aww, thank you for helping this clumsy woman, you're such a handsome young man!!" she compliments him genuinely.

(y/n)'s lips upturned in a grin as relief spreads through her. She glances at ume, whom wore a soft expression, feeling just as giddy as her.

gyutaro was unsure what to do in such a situation, he simply bows in an awkward fashion, "" He mutters, watching the middle aged woman walk away, back to her own devices.

(y/n), daki and gyutaro continue their journey, the foreign girl grins at the male, "see~?" She begins, "not everyone will look at you in the way you perceive, gyutaro. beauty comes from within, and by that, i mean personality-wise and your ability to help others. That woman called you handsome regardless of how you look and i wholeheartedly agree with her!!" She harrumphs triumphantly.

gyutaro blushes at her words, scratching his neck as he and (y/n) watch ume's eyes brighten at the sight of hairpins on display.

"...i guess...i was wrong..." he mutters, avoiding her eyes.

(y/n) rolls her eyes, grabbing his hand as she drags him behind her, "well duh!! That's what i've been telling you all this time!!!" She giggles, following ume as she too looks at the stalls and all the beautiful items for sale.

gyutaro gazes at (y/n) as she laughs and giggles, enjoying what the village has to offer. He moves his eyes to their hands, and slowly, he intertwines them with his own. He looks for a reaction but all he got in response was a tightened grip in return. yeah, he is completely in love with her...—


Four Years Later...

In a land further away from a village and secluded from everyone was a lone house that stood strong on its roots. After the demon slayer HQ's were disbanded, life kind of returned to normal...well, as normal as it can get considering the demons were human now.

a childish giggle was heard on the property as a toddler  with black curly hair and blue eyes ran around chasing a butterfly with his lil arms outstretched. watching him, was the father; gyutaro.

(y/n) was with them in the backyard tending to the laundry as she folds the clothes. She giggles as her son runs around her legs, clutching her kimono as he did so, "yuuta, go to your father, hon." She ushers the toddler to gyutaro, whom was watching the two with a soft gaze.

yuuta rushes towards his father, collapsing in his arms with a giggle, "papa!! play with me!!" he squeals, hopping up and down excitedly.

gyutaro chuckles, placing the little boy on his lap, "come here for a moment and relax with papa." he speaks in a quiet voice. Fatherhood has changed him. He did not expect in all his years he had lived as a former demon that one day, he would fall in with a human, turn human, get married and start a family.

If gyutaro told this to himself years ago, his demon-self would have laughed in his face and killed him.

It was all surreal to him but it was real, and it was happening right in front of him. He was grateful to (y/n). She never gave up on him and in doing so, this is the end result. He and sister were living the life he always wanted to give her. The dream which was nonexistent, came true.

speaking of ume, she was happily married to a merchant whom was financially stable and could offer everything to his sister. She was living a wonderful home and was raising two kids with her husband. Still thinking about it brought him to tears.

gyutaro widens his eyes when he felt a small hand clumsily wipe his tears. He looks down, seeing his son sending him worried looks, "..papa..? okay..?" His baby voice squeaked out, his hand touching his cheek gently.

gyutaro clutches his son's hand in his, giving his child the most reassuring smile he can muster, "..yes, i am." His blue hues dart to (y/n), whose back was still turned to him, "...and it's all because your kaa-chan made me a happy man and gave me you; our little blessing." he murmurs lovingly, biting back tears.

"kaa-chan??" yuuta tilts his head to the side. gyutaro nods, petting his dark locks. His son was a mini carbon copy of him but has (y/n)'s facial features. A wonderful mix of the two.

Before gyutaro can respond, (y/n) steps in with a curious look on her face, "what're are my lil man's up to?" She looks inquisitively between them both, "are you exchanging secrets??..without me??! scandalous!! you're both terrible to mama!" She fake pouts, sitting down beside them.

yuuta rapidly shakes his head, "no swecret!!!"

(y/n) giggles. She and gyutaro watch as their little boy runs off to play again, kicking a temari ball. The foreign girl glances at her hubby curiously, feeling his stare on her.

"..what?" she asks confused, wondering why her husband was staring at her.

gyutaro reaches out and holds her hand, he shyly looks down, still getting accustomed to the romance and intimacy, "....thank you." He murmurs, confusing her even more, " made all my dreams come thank you." he looks in her eyes, lovingly.

(y/n)'s lips part, "...gyutaro..." she whispers in awe, before shaking her head, "i barely did anything," she humbly says.

gyutaro cups her cheek in his palm, gazing at her, "..yes, you did." He pauses, "because of you, i never expected my life to drastically change. i am your husband, and you are my wife." He leans his forehead against her's, "...and i love you." He says with most sincerity in his voice.

"....i love you too." (y/n) grins, kissing him passionately as he reciprocates.

....gyutaro finally got his happy ending...


ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now