37: Curious

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a/n: don't forget to comment and happy readings!!

Despite the fact muzan hadn't created anymore demons since nezuko's reveal to the sun, the slayers still had to defeat the ones remaining which were an unknown number right now. the pillars have their own duties to the area's they are surveying.

(y/n) was coming back from a mission when she decides to stop by one of the hot springs. her body was icky and she desperately wanted to cleanse herself and relax those tired muscles of hers. The foreign girl manages to find a nice quiet building secluded from the village and was run by an elderly woman whom looked about ready to collapse from fatigue. poor thing...

(y/n) paid for the services despite the old woman telling her not to. She shivers as the cold air tickles her naked form as she dunks herself in the steaming hot water; goosebumps on her skin as she swam around for a bit. she preferred the hot spring to be indoor but she gets what she paid for...although it made her somewhat cautious and aware of her surroundings tho.

the heat from the water un-tensed her muscles as she slumps further in, "ahh~." She giggles to herself, kicking her legs a bit as the water ripples. her eyes gaze up at the sky, focusing on the full moon up ahead. Everything was just so peaceful..

when (y/n) was done, she wipes herself down with a towel, reaching out for her clothes as she steps out from the outdoor hot springs when strong and built arms slithered around her waist, yanking her back into a firm chest, warm breath caresses her ear as a sultry voice coos in her ear, "ara, we meet again, my little human~." the voice...was douma!

(y/n) gasps, what the hell was he doing all the way out here???? "hm?..you seem quiet, dear. did i surprise you?" He chuckles, nibbling on her bare shoulder which snaps the foreign (h/c)-ette from her trance. His cold lips skimming her skin.

(y/n) yanks herself away from douma, turning to glare at him as she holds her shoulder. He looks amused at her expression. He was emotionless, cold, sadistic yet fucking charming at the same time it was frustrating, "douma.." she mutters, earning a tilt of his head as he hums, rainbow hues boring into her own. There was a reason he was upper moon two, "what're you doing here?" she demands, clearly uncomfortable since she naked under a towel..

"oh, me?" douma asks, pointing to himself as smirks, "i happened to pass by when i smelt your scent and decided to come and see you." The upper moon covers the lower portion of his face with his fan, "you intrigue me, my dear~." He chuckles deeply, sending shivers down her spine, "you managed to take two of muzan-sama's upper moons from him, an impressive feat for an extraordinary human like yourself. Tell me, what exactly did you say to get them to betray our king??" he leans closer to her face, mere inches only separating them as his domineering figure hovers her.

his aura was deadly but (y/n) can tell he was curious of her answer. It seems she really did turn the demon-slayer world upside. heh. well, she does have plot armor...—

(y/n) was still in her towel, clenching it tightly in her grasp "can you please turn around?! i'd rather not change while you're looking at me!" she hisses, feeling self conscious from his eyes on her. It was so intense and focused, making her embarrassed and wary.

rather than listen to her, douma continues to stare with those rainbow eyes of his that held a unknown glint in them, making her irritated. She raises her hand and forces the upper moon to turn around as she tries to use one hand to get changed. It was harder than it looks. Once she was done, the foreign (h/c)-ette releases him, making him instantly turn back around with a pout at seeing her fully clothed.

"aww, i wanted to see your bareness, my dear~." douma coos in his sultry voice, smirking when she frowns at him, "well?..are you going to tell me?" he reminds her of his previous inquires. He wasn't allowed to attack her anyways since muzan forbade it.

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