Chapter 24

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A year and a half later
Emma's POV
"Emma need I remind you again that the ice cream sundaes go on that table and not your mouth"

"Need I remind you that I have been serving these people all day and if you dare still another if my tips..." I glare at Henry angrily.

I casually balance the sundaes in my hands and place them on the table.

"Enjoy" I smile sweetly.

"Excuse me I ordered raspberry sauce not strawberry sauce"

I mean I know the customers always right but some customers are just idiots.

"They're very similar in colour, maybe you should try it first?"

"Trust me I know"

"If you hang on a second I'll get the kitchen to confirm the sauce" I fake a smile and walk away.

Discreetly I kick the chair as I walk past.

To my horror one of the legs gives way followed by the next one and in a horrible dominos affect the chair collapses and the customer is left lying in a pile of wood.

She turns to give me possibly the furious look I've come across and all I can say is:


"The bill please" the customer grimaces through gritted teeth.

"Of course, did you by any chance know it's over tip your over worked waitress day" I grin hopefully.

"Should've come another day then" she shakes her head.

"Like you'd have another day free - lucky you don't work on the weekened" her friend says.

"Lucky nobody works on the weekend" says no waitress ever.

Then she turns back to me

"Just so you know we will be reporting you"

"Please hush, there's a limited oxygen supply on this earth and I feel like your wasting it" I speak before slamming a hand over my mouth.

"Since you've never used it perhaps you found store this information in that shiny new brain of yours - you'll be sacked for this" she spits

"I hope you choke on the rubbish your talking" I reply equally as venomously.

"Can you believe I actually bothered to dress up for this meal, I may as well have gone to a dump - I even went to the beautician" she incredulously tells her friend.

"Shame it was closed" I retort.

"How could anybody be bothered with you?" She asks in disbelief.

"Well try missing a couple of bank payments, then they have plenty of time for me"

"If you were my customer I'd slip poison in your drink" she glares

"If you were my waitress I'd drink it"

"No ones laughing at your jokes"

"I know everyone's laughing at your face" I smirk

"Wait till my boyfriend hears about-"

"Boyfriend! How did that happen?" I laugh shortly.

Then much to my astonishment a head of brightly coloured hair heads my way.

I honestly can't believe it.

After a whole year.

Michael Clifford is walking towards me without a glimpse of concern about seeing me.

"Hey babe"

Babe! First off no one calls me babe, secondly we broke up - a year ago.

Then he ducks down and kisses Jenga girl on the lips.

He didn't even recognise me.

For a minute I'm to astounded to move.

"What the hell happened to your chair?" He laughs noticing she switched seats and next to her laid a pile of sticks.

I attempt to sneak away.

"Her, she happened" Jenga girl points at me, it's too late now I have no choice.

Slowly I turn around.

"Do I know-" his eyes widen in realisation

I can't believe it took him so long to recognise me

"Your hair!" He exclaims looking at my chestnut coloured locks.

"That's all you can say" I shake my head despairingly

"That's all I can say" he confirms.

"Right well then, you and your little girlfriend make your complaints and I'll just make another excuse as to why i can't afford the rent"

I start to head off

"Why don't you join us Em?" He calls after me.

"Because then I'd definitely be jobless"

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