Chapter 15

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It's Wednesday (a couple of a days ago). I'm a terrible author I'm going to make a concerned effort to update more (if I can be bothered - joking)
Lucy x
I jump off the bus, literally like high school musical jump off the bus.

I walk down the street coughing extremely loudly when I pass smokers because yes - they should feel guilty.

After walking around for a while aimlessly searching for her I give up and sit down on the bench.

I pick up the girls phone and decide to make this day a bit more interesting and text Michael:

I hid the body now what?

Admittedly it was a little random, but it's not every day you can pretend to be a physco killer.

The phone vibrates almost instantly:

I'll meet you outside the police station

I let out a bark of laughter awkwardly ignoring the glances from the people around me.

A bit if me feels slightly bad that Michael thinks he's going to be a hero by leading a murderer to the police, but that bit of me is very little.

Don't take me as an idiot I can send you to prison with a click of my fingers, I have your number - which means I have you exact location. If I go to jail so do you

Just before I hit send it crosses my mind how unrealistic it sounds so edit it to a more believable statment:

Don't take me as an idiot I can send you to prison with a click of my fingers, I have your number which means I have you exact location if I go to jail so do you

I can't believe what it almost sent as if Michael would believe that - I mean who has time for grammar.

You don't know how you're dealing with

I snigger a little at my mental image of Michael trying to intimidate a murderer.

Finally I send the creepiest text ever - well not ever but pretty close.

Don't threaten me Michael Gordon Clifford

I cackle loudly before remembering where I am and turning it into an a retarded cough.

"What the hell is wrong with you? What the hell were you doing?" I look up to see the clearly flustered girl looking furiously at me.

I was pretending to be a murderer using your phone, duh - what else would I be doing?

"I was....urm....just inspecting your phone for...err...potential damage"

"Damage from what, you're the only one that's had it since I lost it" she exclaims incredulously

"So I hear you're dating Luke Hemmings" I change the subject avoiding eye contact.

"Seriously not only did you steal my phone, you read my messages!"

Woah - hold the phone. Stole. Her. Phone.

Who on earth does she think she is?

"I did not steal your phone." I indignantly reply gritting my teeth.

"Oh okay so you just happened to pick up my phone and wander around reading my messages"

"Yes! I was going to return it anyway"

"Really? And how did you plan to do that?"

"I was going to give it to Michael"

"Michael who?"

"Clifford" I smirk because I am amazing.

"You creep! He doesn't even have a girlfriend you know"

My smile falters somewhat and I narrow my eyes and patronisingly nod my head

"I'm pretty sure he does"

"Look even if he did he wouldn't pick someone like you?"

"What's wrong with me?" I can't hid how offended I am.

"Aside from all the stealing and weirdness you're extremely lazy - excluding the fact you couldn't be bothered to stand up and talk to me you don't even put enough effort in to hold a conversation with a polite - if I say so myself - stranger on a bus"

And he's not lazy?

"I'm not lazy I'm just highly motivated to do nothing"i insist.

"Hey Saf" a voice that belonged to a boy or a girl with a very sore throat said.

I turn around and find myself gazing into heavenly blue eyes or in other words Luke Hemmings eyes.

"I know I said I couldn't make it but plans fell through at the last moment and-"

"You never said you couldn't make it"

"I did I text you"

You know them times when you wish you were anyway but where you are that's how I feels right now except colder, because the ice princess is literally trying to freeze me to death with her frosty glare.

"Son of a biscuit" I mutter under my breath.

"What did you just say?" 'Saf' asks in disbelief.

"Well unlike the rest of the world me and a group of five year olds attempt to keep our language clean, admittedly a few in our group have relapsed, I'm not going to lie I've heard the word poop more than once this week, but generally we've been going strong"

Luke chuckles enough to grab a few passerbys attention.

"Who are you?" He grins

"I'm Emma" I beam back.

"Hi Emma"

See 'Saf' some people are nice

"Do you know where Michael Clifford is?" I frown slightly.

"Err...yeah why?"

"Cause I'm a mad fan" I cross my eyes briefly and stick my tongue out.

"Seriously?" He looks panicked and exchanges a look with 'Saf'

"Seriously but I'm also his girlfriend so it's okay" I reassure him.

"Err... Safia shall we go" he reaches for her hand and begins to walk away.

It seemed only right to match Safias 'lazy' description so I call to them from my bench.
One, I can prove it. Two, you left you're phone - again"

Marry me Michael //5sos //Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now