Chapter 12

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Happy new year! It's 2015 WHOOP! WHOOP!
Sorry it's been like 2 weeks since I updated :-/
Saw *puts on a dramatic voice*the theory of everything
It was amazing!!!!!
Lucy x

Emma's POV

"Hey Seth do you like gambling?" I say joyfully down the line.

"No why?" He asks confused.

"Cause your a player on a losing streak...burnnnnn"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know you cheated on my with Molly" I say keeping a cheery tone.

"Emma I'm so sorry. Please it was a once off thing"

"Okay I'll forgive you on one condition" I decide.

"What, anything Emma?"

"You hold your breath under water for half an hour"

"Err...then I'd be dead"

"Oh I know" feel my wrath Seth, feel my wrath.

"Emma be reasonable"

"I am, I'm offering you a second chance"


"Yes really, I literally just said that if you could hold your breath for thirty minutes I'd forgive you, give you another chance"

"Emma I didn't dump you when I found out you'd been stalking me"

"I have NOT been stalking you"

"Molly said otherwise"

"Yeah I'm sure she did, anyway I was simple gathering information for specific purposes, not that that's anywhere near is bad as cheating. In fact it was just an overly healthy interest in my boyfriend. Like having 6 fruit and veg a day instead of 5"

"Emma just tell me is this a break up?"

"I can't decide" I say truthfully.

"Well I need to know"

"What so you can tell Molly 'yeah she finally broke up with me' and runaway together?"

"Yeah Emma that's what I'm going to do" he says sarcastically.

"Well that's that then-"

"Emma it was a joke"

"Yeah I got that Sherlock. I'll call you back I need to talk to someone"


"The guy I've been kissing behind your back"


"Seth it was a joke" I imitate him.
"Emma, I need to know because I need to know if it's worth trying"
"I'll call you back on an hour" I hang up abruptly.
Attempting to stay positive as I start the trek down the stairs whilst finding Michaels number on my contact the unimaginable happens.
I trip.
I trip down the stairs.
But positivity....
I saved like 20 seconds getting down those stairs.
My cat just sits there looking at me like 'what is your actual problem'.
"You try and fall down a flight of stairs then judge" I scowl at the cat who scampers off.
Immediately feeling guilty I run after it screaming.
Then remembering my hour dead line I recover from my randomness and phone Michael.
He answers immediately.
"Break up with him"
"Because I love you"

Marry me Michael //5sos //Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now