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As I sat before the flickering flames of the sacred fire, confusion and despair swirled within me like a tempest. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. Beside me, a stranger soon to be my husband, yet knowing nothing of who I truly am.


I knew nothing of him or the world he hailed from.

My story, if it can even be called such, feels like it has reached its conclusion before it truly began. What can be said when my fate was sealed long before I took my first breath ?

Doctor's daughter becomes a doctor.

Engineer's daughter becomes an engineer.

Prostitute's daughter ? A prostitute. Exactly.

Welcome to my reality, where humanity is a distant memory, care is a luxury I can't afford, and love an elusive dream.

I am not the protagonist; I am the forgotten side character, lost in the shadows cast by others.

Life doesn't always unfold like a fairy tale. Not every hero is a billionaire, and I certainly am not the damsel saved from distress while her friend suffers in silence. I am that friend, unseen and unheard.

My narrative holds no value in this world of predetermined destinies.

Just a shattered soul with a heart fractured beyond repair.

I exist in a realm devoid of angels or demons to offer salvation. What can a common man do ?

All I ever craved was freedom, a sliver of peace to breathe without suffocation, to shield my little sister from the same fate that befell me.

I fought with every fiber of my being, sacrificing all I had. But what reward awaited me ? A king ? A billionaire ?

Let's be realistic. Not everyone will get a billionaire or king as their husband. I don't reside in a fictional world.

I didn't say what I got as a reward, did I ? It's everything no one could think of.

This isn't a wedding; it's the final chapter of my existence. The story concludes here, leaving me broken once more.

The story she thought that doesn't worth the world. Her own story! ❤️‍🔥

Ready ? 

Poitu varen my lord 🚶🏻‍♀️

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