CHAPTER 11: Melodies of the Heart

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One Week later...

During lunchtime, Alsei finished her duties as Heave's second secretary early and waited for the others to join her. However, only Heave appeared, causing Alsei to wonder about Akio's whereabouts.

"So, you're not wearing a wig again, huh? You've changed quite drastically since sharing a room with Akio at the hotel," Heave observed, noticing the transformation in Alsei.

"Yes," Alsei replied, her hand instinctively resting against her chest, her heart fluttering at the memory of Akio's words.

"Where's Akio?" Alsei inquired, shifting the topic.

"He's busy at the moment. Why? Don't you want to have lunch with me? Do you prefer eating with Akio instead?" Heave playfully teased, bombarding Alsei with her questions.

"No, it's not that. I'd love to have lunch with you, Heave. It's just that it feels strange without Akio around," Alsei confessed, her hand returning to her chest, where her heart seemed to ache in his absence.

Heave, ever observant, noticed this gesture and decided to investigate further. "I've been noticing something, Alsei. Every time the topic of Akio comes up, you instinctively place your hand on your chest. Why is that?"

Alsei took a deep breath, her eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and longing. "It's because every time I see Akio's face, my heart starts pounding loudly in my chest. I feel an overwhelming sense of joy and excitement when I'm around him. I want to hold him, to intertwine our hands, to be by his side. It feels strange when he's not here. I want to protect him," she confessed, her voice filled with heartfelt emotion.

Heave listened intently, her gaze filled with understanding. "Since when have you felt this way for him?" she asked gently.

"It started when he entered my office without knocking. He discovered my true hair color, and in that moment, my anxiety was triggered. But instead of judgment, he embraced me, holding me close. It was the first time our eyes met, and from that point on, my feelings for him began to grow. It became even stronger when he slept on my lap in the car and when we shared a room at the hotel. And now, it's become even more intense when I took care of him during the time that he got sick," Alsei revealed, her voice filled with sincerity and longing.

The air around them seemed to hold a sense of dramatic tension, as the profound emotions of Alsei's heart were laid bare.

"I see. Well, it seems you're in love," Heave diagnosed, a knowing smile on her face.

"Love? What is love?" Alsei questioned, her voice filled with curiosity and innocence.

"You don't know what love is?" Heave responded, surprised by Alsei's lack of understanding.

"My mother never taught me about love," Alsei revealed, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Well, it is not something you learn from someone. You have to learn what it is yourself. But I am going to tell it to you. Love is precisely what you're feeling right now. It's a powerful, unconditional, and everlasting emotion. It can be both painful and healing, it may change you for the better or for the worse, like a double-edged sword. Love has no exact definition because it holds a unique meaning for each person. It protects, cherishes, and leaves a lasting impression. Love is selfless, not selfish. It's an exchange of emotions," Heave explained, her words filled with wisdom and depth.

"You're single, right?" Alsei asked, her eyes widening in surprise and a hint of admiration.

Heave nodded, a curious expression on her face. "Yes, I am. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just that I find it absolutely fascinating how someone as knowledgeable about love as you are can still be single," she said, unable to hide her bluntness.

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