60. Mission

125 8 1

*WARNING: This chapter contains mature content.*

The next day, Wang Yibo covered himself in a cloak and went to a market and was looking at the jewelry before he decided to take a bracelet which he thought would suit Xiao Zhan. As he kept scanning the bracelets, his eyes fell on a lovely silver bracelet which had a lovely design of a dragon, making him pick it up. "A gift?" Wang Yibo turned to a side was stunned to see Shu Hao standing next to him. Just like himself, he was wearing a cloak as well and was holding a golden bracelet. "I believe gold suits Zhan more than silver."

Wang Yibo arched his eyebrow. "Do you have any decisive evidence?" He asked, making Shu Hao's eyes twitch. "Do you think evidence grows on trees?" He said before he turned around. "Let's continue this conversation in private."


"This is the list of strange records in Yong An's records. I've already secured the confession from the corrupt accountant about the second ledger. But even he doesn't know what happened to the money." Shu Hao said as Wang Yibo kept staring at the records. "There's a high probability that it was used for the smuggling of green sky chrysanthemum." He said making Shu Hao nod. "If it's true that Yong An had a hand in the smuggling of green sky chrysanthemum, they'll try to hide all traces of their involvement. The question is when they'll use it."

"Before the tournament." Wang Yibo said, making Shu Hao stare at him. "Since piercing green is expensive, its market mostly consists of high ranked merchants and nobility. With all the merchants and the nobility from across the continent travelling for the tournament, there's no better opportunity for them to get rid of the green sky chrysanthemum." Shu Hao thought for a while before he nodded. "You have a point."

Wang Yibo nodded before getting up. "Then, please excuse me." "Duke Wang," Shu Hao called out, making Wang Yibo look at him. "Will you really let Zhan enter the tournament? There's no telling what Yong An is planning to do with him. If I were you, I wouldn't let him compete." Wang Yibo looked at Shu Hao for a moment before he spoke up. "He has earned the right to compete with his skills. It would be unjust to bar him from the tournament."

"It doesn't have to be this year. There will be more tournaments after his safety is guaranteed." Shu Hao argued. "You are familiar with Zhan's appearance but not his character Your Highness." Wang Yibo said, making Shu Hao feel taken aback. "What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Zhan isn't someone who can be stopped by another. Once he makes a decision, he would do whatever it takes to achieve it, no matter what obstacles lay in his path. If he wanted a sheltered life, he never would've tried to become a knight." Wang Yibo said. "Besides, when I accepted him into my knights, I already decided. No matter what path he takes, I would be there to defend him." Shu Hao stared at Wang Yibo for a while as the young duke bowed. "Well, I will take my leave." Saying so, Wang Yibo left, leaving Shu Hao stunned. "I... don't know his character?" He whispered.


Back in the training grounds of the Knights of Honor, the knights were as usual going through a training. "At last, we're a week away from the tournament." Gao Tai Yu said. "And so, I will now announce the three trainees that will be competing as representatives of the knightage: Feng Ming Jing, Sun Jian and Tang San. I have high expectations for you three in this tournament." The three trainee knights smiled. "Thank you, sir."

"Hey Tang! We're going out for drinks to celebrate. Want to join us?" Sun Jian asked making Xiao Zhan decline politely. "Another time." Saying so, Xiao Zhan turned around and walked away as he sighed. 'I want to go. But I have to be cautious until Yong An is taken care of.' As Xiao Zhan kept walking away, Wang Yibo noticed him feeling down, making his eyes soften. 'Zhan...'

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