When a business deal is struck, she finds herself in the confines of the only man she thinks is insufferable. She is to survive but will this just remain as it?
>Marriage of convinience
>Forced proximity
I am at my office which used to be my escape from reality but it's reality it's becoming harder for me to digest then the actual one.
Our biggest sponsor just pulled out of the deal just 2 weeks before the official display of AYLA Couture and I could not be in any more stress then I am in now.
This company was mine.
I had worked my self off just for it to be at its heights and I won't let my brand fall after how far I've come.
Slamming the file on the desk I grab my keys after telling my secretary Roha to cancel everything. I'd probably regret it once I am sobered up from my anger but now I needed to release it.
Getting in the car I drove to the only place I find solace in, when I am stuck in these situations. My grip on the steering wheel unusually tightened and I could not help but press the speed pedal more and more.
60.. 70... 90.... 100.... 120.....
And then my car veered to the side which caused a severe blow to my right side from the impact. I took deep breaths after sitting up and looking around me to see what the hell had I caused.
There was smoke everywhere on the once silent road and I could hear the flashlights of another car blaring. I quickly got out of the car and at the same time a man probably in his twenties stormed out of the drivers seat slamming th car door harshly.
"Are you in your damn right mind?" he spits at me harshly with a glare.
My anger seems to wear off for a second as I take in the fact that I had risked a person's life as well as my own.
"I am sorry." I said bluntly and made a move to go back inside my car.
"God, who even gave you a drivers license." he says while directing towards his car too. Fed up with me, may I add.
"The one who gave you yours, mister." I snap back.
He chuckles darkly. "Oh yeah?"
"I have more important things to do then to sit and have this useless talk." I said and opened my car door.
"Yeah, I bet you have another car to crash in to on your to-do list" he said and got inside his car making my jaw fall in utter disbelief.
"Go to hell." I shouted and got inside my car. Igniting my engine I pulled out of the road and let myself relax for a bit before driving home.
I had yet to disclose the news to my parents and my mood was already shit.
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"Thankyou." I said to the receptionist while making my way inside the 5 star restaurant where I had to meet my fiancé.
Its for 6 months. Only.
The receptionist guided me to the table which was in the VIP section before leaving with a curt nod which was directed at the man sitting on the chair I suppose was opposite mine.
Passing him a look, my eyes almost got stuck on his ravishing features before I teared them away from his face and sat down.
This man was picture perfect. In looks.
"So I assume you're Zyran?" I said trying to start a conversation for God knows why.
"Thought you got the idea." he said while his gaze finally slid to me from his watch.
"Thought I'd confirm,you seemed like a freaking statue or least a man who is very forced to do this this even form afar."
His lips quirked up a bit before he replied. "You thought right, Miss Amaya."
"Don't flatter yourself, Zyran Chaudhary I am not here for a heart to heart either." I snapped back.
He narrowed his eyes in response.
Well this was going well.
Thankfully the waiter came asking us for our orders. He got a beef steak for himself while I stick to simple Alfredo pasta for myself.
Deciding to minimise the conversation during the meal I chose to stay quiet so did he. Until he spoke up.
"You know the contract and its conditions, Why'd you agree?" he asked.
"Thought you had the idea" I said repeating his own words to him.
"I don't." he replied unfazed.
"It's a great deal and besides it's for 6 months only." I replied with a shrug playing with my pasta with the fork.
"Why'd you agree?" I asked.
"Same reason." he answered while fixating his intense gaze on me.
I nodded once.
No chatter was exchanged after that and I was happy, because this man seemed insufferable to talk to.
I cleaned my face with the napkin as our dishes were collected from the table the same time he cleared his throat.
I mentally rolled my eyes.
"In order for this to work I ask your tolerance, Amaya and nothing else." he said while folding his hands on the table.
"You have it, Zyran but this doesn't have to work. You don't interfere in my business I keep my nose out of yours, easy done." I said motioning between us.
He seemed to nod at my words as his thoughts seemed puzzled enough for me to try and read him.
I picked up my purse and the coat hanging on the chair's back and stood up." Guess the first meet wasn't as good as you imagined."
He snickered. "I've been to worser ones."
I chuckled back in response and bid him goodbye.
Out of basic manners obviously.
"See you, I guess?" I said.
"Yeah, you will." he replied while I passed him a 'weird' look.
Well this will definitely go well.
Wearing my coat I gave him a tight lipped smile and pivoted on my heels to leave.
"Do you have my number?" he asked.
"Thought it wasn't necessary, so no." I replied looking back to answer him.
He just looked at me for a brief minute before sighing and nodding his head.
I quickly turned around and resumed my merry way to the car.