When a business deal is struck, she finds herself in the confines of the only man she thinks is insufferable. She is to survive but will this just remain as it?
>Marriage of convinience
>Forced proximity
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Amaya's POV:
12:10 AM
"Yes for the 100th time mama I am alright here." I sigh, "And yes my saas hasn't returned yet, thankfully." I reply for the 4th time to my mother about my well being and my 'homely matters' as she says. The line on the other side stutters a bit before my mother's smooth voice fills the speaker of my phone.
(Mother in Law)
"If anything and I mean anything is going wrong call me, Amaya." She demands in her motherly tone as I feel the smile on my face dropping, Yeah I bet your husband says the same too. That's why the man I call my father hasn't called me even on my second week after being wedded.
'He cares about you, you know that right?"
Silence. On both sides.
I can't down my mother right now not when she is so worried about me fitting in right, so I choose to stay quiet. It goes on for a beat before I eventually break it with a forced laugh and say my goodbyes. "Okay yeah Mama, Zyran's back so I'll call you later?" I feign cheeriness in my voice, Just as the front door of the house opens and I see a very exhausted Zyran make his way inside, purely dishevelled.
Okay ,that's new.
Zayn isn't at the house right now and yeah well we are alone to be exact, Its been nearly 2 weeks Amaya grab a hold of yourself. "Hey." He calls after I've cut the call with my mother. "Hi." I reply back softly, just as a small smile takes over his features. The man in question throws his blazer on the couch and makes his way over to sit next to me.
Just as I stand up.
The bewildered look on his face makes me feel bad as I turn around and take a deep breath, this isn't supposed to work Amaya I did agree to this alright but that doesn't mean I'll willingly subject myself to my father's greed, I won't. I can't.
But I fail miserably when Zyran heaves in an exhausted sigh just as Klaus napping in the farther corner of the living area waddles his way over to Zyran's side. Traitor. And I don't think anything, I just walk my way to the open kitchen and taking out a mug from the microwave fastwalk back to where the man is seated.