16:New beginnings

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Zayn's POV:

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Zayn's POV:

"Yo Zayn, Come here." Ahmer's impatient voice calls out. "Yeah?" I say making my way towards him. tension wrecks my composure maybe from the rude remark my mother passed to Amaya or maybe from the fact that I have to sneak out of my own brother's wedding day for a race.

Yes, I have to.

A smile automatically traces my lips upon seeing Beautiful Fayra and Shehryar together. Today has been an emotional wreck for him, the dreams he had with Fayra shine bright in his eyes whenever he looks at her for example right now as they stand together.

The Azra mess can wait, I am not ruining my brother's happiness by just throwing it in his face again. The man is the most calculated one in the group he'll sort something out.

And as always we'll be right behind him.

"OO Mashallah, Bhai sath jach rahay ho." I say winking at Shehryar, his  eyes are on Fayra as she smiles at me. "Hai na baat phir, bhai kis ka hai?" Ahmer replies bumping me. "Mera bhi hai." I say narrowing my eyes at him.

(You guys look great together), (Well who's brother is he at last?), (Shut up, he's mine too.)

"This deserves a snap,right?" I say drawing their attention towards me. "Exactly the reason why I called you here-" He motions for Fayra to get a bit closer to Shehryar. "Shehryar beta thora sath ho jayein, mobile hai DSLR nai hai." This courses a laugh out of me as Ahmer pins a bored gaze at Shehryar.

(Shehryar, get a bit closer this is a mobile not a DSLR)

"Say cheeseee" I  coo making pouty faces at them, Shehryar laughs as a smile graces his face. Its not a sight rare for us but to see him giving the smiles he reserved only for his closed ones to Fayra, alone proves that the man is in deep.

Fayra sighs as she finally looks up at him pouting as Shehryar's smile widens further. "OYE HOYEE." Ahmer's a nd my voice shouts in union. "And done." Ahmer says showing the picture to Fayra. "You click nice pictures." She compliments,impressed.

"Learned it from the best." I say jumping in and winking at Fayra, now that earns me a smack on the head by none other then Shehryar himself. "Okay so We'll leave you two to it, You-" I say clamping a hand on Ahmer's shoulder."Are coming with me."

Out of the corner of my eye, we both raise an eyebrow at Shehryar silently asking him if he's told Fayra about his past relationship with Azra-not that it was a real one anyway. His face falls as he musters up a shake of his head.

I nod my head and motion him to do it before taking Ahmer with me. "Bro, i need help." I whisper when we are a safe distance from the crowds. "When do you don't?" He replies giving me a bored look. "Oye, sudhar ja ab tu bhi aisa hota ja rha hai." I say my expressions being disappointed. (jokingly but I won't tell him that)

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