I get new abilities.

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(Hiii! Hope y'all enjoy.)

Percy POV: I felt the rush in my vein's settled down a bit, but not completely, as my sight returned. I was set back down on the ground. I was breathing so heavily, my mouth hang open to get as much air as possible. All The gods stared except Dionysus, who looked at me as if regretting a bad choice, and Hades, who looked sad, as if he lost something good.

Nico, Clarisse and Thalia looked away before a could meet their eyes. Their expressions looked pained. I heard a sniffle behind me. It was at this moment I remembered Grover and Annabeth. Oh gods of Olympus. I didn't have the courage to turn around myself. I felt a twinge in my eyes, I pushed back any kind of crying, I couldn't afford that right now. I tried to find a way to turn around and face my friends. I didn't have to, cause Hermes spoke up, "You must break your empathy link with the sayter. His life is short and fragile. If you take on your godly form he will immediately die, his death may cause you to go in a vegetative state for eons." I turned my head to another pained expression. He gave an apologetic shrug, "I'm sorry, but it's for your own good." I turned to meet eyes brown and grey.

I felt mountains drop on me. Annabeth looked limp, like a beautiful princess doll stuffed with cotton. Life less and unable to move. She stared at me, but not really in my eyes, or even at my face, just in my general direction. She only stood because of Grover's support. He had one hand on her waist, stopping her from falling. His eyes were full of tears which ran a path down both his cheeks. I once again had to stop myself from breaking down and crying. My leg moved me ahead untill I was right in front on him. He put a hand on my shoulder and looked so deep into my eyes, I felt the urge to close them shut.

His eyes dissolved  from focus  as I saw memories of us laughing together, fun times when all the problems weren't real, memories I cherished so dearly. But something was different, I realized that they were all from his perspective. All the memories I loved form his view. Soon the memories got sadder. I saw the cyclops Polyphemus eating a sheep whole, offering Grover a piece. I saw Zoe Nightshade dissolve into the stars. I saw the dark labyrinth, with no light, no nature and no way out. I saw tens of satyrs and Nymphs die in battle. I broke eye contact, and the images broke. I clutched my stomach. Someone had pulled out a vital organ. I was sure of it. I could still fell Grover's eyes on me. I didn't dare meet them. "Its done, the empathy link is broken." Grover's voice was so fragile, it seemed one could break it by touch.

"Anything else?" I asked. The question was coated in sarcasm. I looked back and stared down every god sitting on their throne who dared answer that question. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Thalia walk towards us. Followed by Clarisse and Nico. They stood next to us and I felt a tiny bit better. I want to go home, I thought. I just want to go home. A second later we stood ten feet away from camp Half-Blood borders. Ten feet away from home.

I looked around to see me and Nico were the only one standing. The rest were sprawled on the ground. Annabeth and Grover were both stacked on top of Thalia. Clarisse had found herself face down in the grass and was now wiping dirt of her face. I looked at Nico for an explanation. "You transported us here." He said simply. I didn't care how we got there. I just cared that we were home. I ran to Thalia's tree. As sterdy and tall as ever. I could hear the footsteps of the other right behind me.

As I crossed the border I felt the sky lifted of my shoulders. (Believe me I know how that feels.) I turned to watch the others cross border. Nico was the last to arrive.

"Your eyes are green again." I turned to Annabeth. She was looking at me like she had found something she thought she had lost forever. I must have looked confused cause she continued, "After they turned you..." she paused, and her face darkened, "Your eyes turned orange, like our t-shirts. When you entered the borders, the turned back to green."

Her face cracked and she started to cry. She couldn't stop it. She stepped towards me, slipped her hands between my arms and torso and squeezed me tight, burning her face into my collarbone. I automatically hugged her back. Setting my chin on her head. She felt smaller then before, weaker, easier to break. I realized, I was taller then I was before the change. I felt stronger the ever before. My body felt so dependable. So everlasting.

Annabeth's hands fell over the small of my back, my mortal point. It didn't hurt like it did last time. That's because you aren't mortal. Sometimes inside me spoke. I wanted to tell the voice it was wrong. But it wasn't. I was no longer mortal. I would never finish high school. Never go to college. Never grow old. Some part of me thought that maybe this wasn't such a bad think. I would never die. No more pain, no more monsters. The other part screamed that this was the worst gift ever, I'll watch everyone I love die. I'll never experience manhood, never get married. I'll never have a family. These two parts of me were held together my Annabeth's warm hug and her tears soaking into my shirt.

Thankfully she let go before I could break down myself. "Let's go inside." Annabeth's voice was thick.

(I know this is a weird ending for a chapter, but my brain was not braining.)

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