Spirit King Kai - ROOKIE SAGA

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Arc -1 Olympia Spirit Academy (O.S.A.) Training 

Scene 1 - Karuro's House

Karuro finishes packing his bag for Spirit Academy as Kaya enters his room.

Kaya: Hey Karuro, almost ready to go?

Karuro: Hey sis. Yeah, just double checking I've got everything. Feels weird leaving home.

Kaya: I know, but you're going to do great things.

Karuro: You think so? I don't want to let you down.

Kaya: With your talent? No way. But remember being a Soul Slayer means more than just power. Use your skills to help others.

Karuro: I will, That's why I'm doing this - to protect people from evil spirits. Like the ones who... took Mom and Dad.

Kaya: I know. They'd be so proud of you. Just please take care of yourself.

Karuro: I will. Thanks, Kaya. I'm going to miss you.

They hug. Karuro grabs his bag and heads out.

Scene 2 - Arriving at Spirit Academy

Karuro walks through the front gates of a grand academy building, gazing in awe. Other students chatted excitedly around him.

Karuro: Wow...I can't believe I'm here. This is where the great Soul Slayers get their start. I'm gonna make my mark here at Olympia Spirit Academy.

Karuro strides proudly towards the entrance, ready to begin his destiny.

Scene 3 - Orientation Ceremony

Headmaster Glogen stands on a stage, addressing the incoming class. Karuro sits among hundreds of other students.

Glogen: Welcome, students, to Olympia Spirit Academy. You have been selected from among many hopefuls to study the art of becoming Soul Slayers. This journey will challenge you in ways you cannot imagine. But with hard work and discipline, you will emerge as protectors of this world.

Karuro listens intently, hanging on the headmaster's every word.

Glogen: You will be assigned teams and mentors shortly. But know this - your fellow students are now your family. You must support each other through the difficult trials ahead. Now, let your journey begin!

The students applaud. Karuro's eyes shine with excitement for the adventures to come.

Scene 4 - Team Assignments

Students mill around a bulletin board posting team assignments. Karuro scans the list eagerly.

Karuro: Let's see...where am I... Ah, here! Team 38 with Kotashi as our mentor. And my teammates are...Nozz, Talia and Daigo. Hmm, don't know them yet but hey I'm sure we'll get along great.

Karuro heads off down the hall to meet his new team.

Scene 5 - First Training Session

Karuro stands with Nozz and Talia as Kotashi addresses them.

Kotashi: Welcome Team 38. I'm Kotashi, your mentor. You four show great promise, and I have high hopes for you. But your training will be pretty damn hard. Are you up for it?

Karuro: Absolutely, sir! I'm ready for whatever you have in store.

Nozz: You bet! I can't wait to start learning some crazy moves, Maybe I'll be super strong who knows?

Daigo: You could be strong, just not stronger than me.

Talia: I look forward to your guidance, sir.

Kotashi: Great. Now, let's begin with some basic energy manipulation drills. Focus your soul energy on this training orb.

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