Spirit King Kai - KING SAGA (FINAL SAGA)

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Arc - 5 Hellscape 

A year after Karuro completed the Spirit King Trials, Karuro felt like he finally had enough power to defeat Barakmaa and erase evil from the world in its entirety.

Karuro stood before his closest allies - Kaya, Lillian, Nozz, Daigo, Talia, Kotashi, and Yukahn. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for the difficult conversation ahead.

Karuro: There's something important I need to tell you all. For a long time, I've wanted to avenge not only my parents' deaths but anyone who lost a part of themselves in that incident by defeating Barakmaa. Now that I'm Spirit King, I finally have the power to do it.

His words were met with stunned silence. Kaya spoke first, her voice shaking.

Kaya: Karuro I understand more than anyone why you want to do this... But It's just too dangerous...

Nozz: Yeah man, we get why you'd want payback. But there's gotta be another way.

Daigo: I know your Spirit King and all that now but what you're trying to do... its suicide...

Karuro shook his head.

Karuro: My mind's made up. I will recruit Soken since I believe he can open a portal to hell. Once I find Barakmaa, I'll kill him.

Lillian grasped his hand, her eyes filled with concern.

Lillian: Karuro, please don't do this. Vengeance will only lead to more pain. Your parents wouldn't want you to take this risk.

Kotashi: Lillian's right, Revenge is a dark path that can consume the brightest soul. Tread carefully, Karuro.

Karuro: I'm sorry, but I have to do this. It's the only way I'll get closure. And as Spirit King, it's my duty to destroy evil - starting with Barakmaa.

Seeing Karuro's determination, Yukahn stepped forward.

Yukahn: If this is the course you've chosen, then I support you. But promise me you'll be cautious. Barakmaa is cunning and ruthless beyond measure.

Karuro placed a hand on Yukahn's shoulder.

Karuro: I know I'll win.

The rest of the group still appeared unconvinced but realized Karuro would not be deterred from his chosen path. With heavy hearts, they began preparations for the perilous journey ahead, hoping against hope that their beloved Karuro would return safely once his vengeance was fulfilled.

After the difficult conversation with his friends and family, Karuro set out alone to the sealed chamber where Soken was imprisoned. As he approached the ancient stone structure, an uneasy feeling washed over him. This would not be an easy recruitment. Karuro entered the dimly lit chamber. Strange runes and glyphs covered the walls, reinforcing the mystic bonds restraining Soken. At the far end of the room floated an ethereal orb of light - Soken's spirit form.

Soken: So, the new Spirit King comes seeking my aid, To what do I owe the pleasure?

Karuro: How did you even know I became king?

Soken: Guards around here sure do talk a lot, it gets annoying...

Karuro: Boo hoo Soken you brought it upon yourself, but look I've come to make you an offer. Help me enter hell and defeat Barakmaa, and I'll grant you your freedom.

Soken: So Revenge blinds even the noblest souls. Are you certain confronting the Devil Lord is worth the price you might pay?

Karuro: I'm willing to pay any price for justice.

Soken: Even if it means unleashing me upon this world once more?

Karuro paused. He knew Soken could not be trusted. But he needed the portal.

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