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Yn looked at them to see shocked faces........all of sudden there was smiles.
Km:omo congratulations princess u are married nd gonna be mom.
Ka:where is ur husband yn
Yn:well I'm divorced now.

All frowned.yn sighed nd told what happen in this 3 years.

Yn can see anger in everyone eyes.

Kd:how dare torricelli can do this....I never know that he can do this.
Ku:lets go now nd deal with them.
Yn:no need uncle dad......he himself will come nd bag for me.

Time skip
6 years
It's been 6 years Kim's met yn.bp nd their parents left to korea to handle their business and mafia works. Yn gave birth to triplets.
2 boys nd 1 girl.

Kim's started their kim branch in Calabria with help of yn.

Yn started her career as ceo,singer nd also as mafia queen......

Yn was now in her room watching someone in her laptop with smirk.

Massimo side

In this 6 years Massimo never let laura in.....massimo told Laura to move to her family house.

Massimo hated to see Laura in his nd yn wedding house........ imo sniff yn scent nd touch himself.

When he comes home after completing his work at first yn used to wait for him no matter how late he come back.but now there is no one to wait for him.

Yn didn't take the cheque which he gave after divorce. He was shocked nd confused why yn left cheque here when she married him for money nd power

Or what he thought of yn is completely wrong.....

After yn left he somewhat miss her.how he felt yn that night before divorce.whenever he think about that night his pants get tight.he tried to make out with laura but he didnt get the feeling which he got from yn.

He was getting crazy day by day.without knowing anyone he told his people find yn.

Imo:Amore mio........I will find u nd make u mine.im sorry that I pushed u away but now if I find u I will make u mine if u have someone I will kill him nd make u mine just wait.

Imo smirked......nd closed his eyes.

Yn was now working in her office when the door opened yn was about shout but cooled down seeing 3 bunnies.

Yn:what happen babies?
Max:mommy we miss u....
Tina:can we go to amusement park??
Yn:ok babies.....what are ur uncles doing??

Then all got ready and went to amusement park.

Time skip
All came back to see kim couple waiting for them while watching tv.

Yn:mom...dad...we are back..
Km:welcome home babies....did u guys had dinner or we can have now.
Yn:no mom tell maids to prepare we will come once we freshup

After freshen up all came down to see  kim couple waiting for them at dining table.

Kd:princess we have party for kim company success nd how about u reveal ur self as Taylor???
Yn:hmm.....yes dad I was also thinking about same.
Kd:then we will handle everything......u just relax princess.
Jin:noona don't worry it's first party of urs nd we want to handle everything please

Yn smiled seeing her brothers nd parents smile.

To be continued......

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