S1E6: Virus containment

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Coughing can be heard at the control room where we see Zack standing outside since Uni is now infected by SCP-610 meaning the room that Uni is in is now a quarantine room.

Uni cough even more which Zack knocks on the door and calls out to him.

Zack: Uni you alright?

Uni: N-No. The infection is coning in. I have feel it. But I'm not important right now. It's SCP-610. If that has been released then this will be ground zero of the apocalypse. (Coughing)

Zack: We got to make sure it will not spread further. Where is it being kept?

Uni: It's kept within research lab 824. You might need something flammable to kill any SCP-610-1 or the virus it (Coughing) it self.

Zack: Right. Just stay in there and I'll be back.

Zack rushes off leaving Uni be as he make his way to the nearest armoury. Soon he arrives there and opens the door and searches around. He grabs a few grenades, a pumped shotgun, incendiary grenades and a large Flamethrower as he picks it up.

Zack: FIREMAN would love to do this if he was here.

He turn to the door and leaves the armoury and make his way to research lab 824. He begins to see flesh of SCP-610 on the walls and ceiling. He set his armor to hazard mode to protect himself from the infection and soon he come up to research lab 824.

He place a explosion onto the door and move to cover which the door blows open and he walks through the door to see the hallways filled with SCP-610. He begins touching SCP-610 with his Flamethrower around, killing SCP-610 he can see.

He keeps going all awhile SCP-610-1 came out of rooms and begin to charge towards him. Some even climbing onto the walls but Zack kill them with his Flamethrower which they scream while burning.

He keeps moving as he burns any SCP-610 while taking out SCP-610-1 who try to kill him. He keeps using his flamethrower as much as he could as he even throws some incendiary grenades at the rooms and lighting them up with fire.

He keeps going until his Flamethrower ran out. A SCP-610-1 rushes towards him from behind but he turn and hits it with his flamethrower. He then walks over to SCP-610-1 and lifted his flamethrower in the air and crush its body.

He quickly draws out his shotgun and begins blasting SCP-610-1 and continue to clear the area. Throwing grenades, blasting SCP-610-1 like they were zombies and continues doing it until he was done.

The area where the infection started has been destroyed. He make his way back to Uni all awhile burning the last few SCP-610 and soon he arrived back and he knock on the door.

Zack: Uni! Mission complete. SCP-610 as well as SCP-610-1 has been taking care of.

Uni: That's good........there is only one (cough) one thing to do.

Zack: What's that?

Uni: (coughing) I'm......I'm gonna set this room into flames.

Zack: But that will kill you!

Uni: I know. We can't allow this virus to be spread. Especially if the O5 council founds out about it. (Chuckles a little) They might as well already know and plans to bomb thus place.

Zack: I'm not leaving you.

Uni: You have to. Get back to everyone else and get out of here. That's an order.

Zack stares at the door and knowing that Uni is right he begins to leave but then Uni called out to him through the door.

Uni: RAMPAGE. Before you go. Tell Cory.....this......this isn't entirely his fault.

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