S1E7: A one way out

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We see Cory, Hooper and Task force Phantom are seen wondering through the sewer trying to find a way out all awhile being alart of the creature that attack and killed Jon.

Some keep an eye on the water and never dare to jump into the water in case it might attack them within the water. They keep on walking through the sewer tunnel looking for a exit.

Cory: This place is like a maze.

Hooper: Yeah a deadly maze. How close are we to the exit?

Y/n: Hopefully not for long.

They keep walking when they suddenly hear some distant roars or growls that echo all around the sewer.

Sam: I think we might be being watched.

Y/n: I think so.

Daniel: Must be that unkillable SCP.

Cory: Who?

Hooper: SCP-692. That thing is impossible to kill and is very deadly.

Cory: Yikes.

Jack: You think it wants pay back from a few months ago?

Y/n: I believe so. Let's keep our guard up and stick together.

They agree as they keep going while also sticking together. Y/n peak around corners and signaling them that the ghost is clear. They exit around the corner and look around to see there is a split.

Zack: Which way?

Before they can figure it out they suddenly heard something on their left and they turn and immediately sees something swimming under the water and heading towards them.

It was a gaint so there is doubt that it is the SCP. Y/n and the rest slowly move back while I gets closer and closer towards them. Soon it suddenly vanishes and they froze in place for a moment. Seconds later there was a large splash and SCP-692 burst out of the water and try to attack them.

Task force Phantom begin to open fire at SCP-692 while moving backwards. Bullets hit SCP-692 but it doesn't hurt him. Daniel fire his grenade launcher which did something as SCP-692 begins to go back.

Y/n: Pull back! Pull back!

They turn and ran off while SCP-692 begins to chase after them. They run through the tunnels of the sewer while SCP-692 is on their tail.

Y/n: We can't lose him! We have to split up!

Cory: Thought you said we need to stick together?!

Y/n: Change of plans! Split!

They all begin to split off to different directions while SCP-692 stop and see them splitting off. He try to decide who to chase snd thne he dive into the water and goes after whoever he picked.

We cut to Y/n running and soon stop and turn back to see that he is no longer being chased. He hopes that the rest will be alright and active a tracker so the rest will find him.

Then he hears voices deep in the tunnel so he investigate the voices. Soon he turn a corner and stop as he peak over and sees skull like soldiers cover in black armor ad they are awaiting orders.

Y/n: (whisper) Who are they?

???: Yes sir. Copy, over and out. (Cut communication) A mobile Task force will be on their way to stop the containment breaches. We need to get out of here along with the information.

They agree as Y/n noticed boxes filled with missing files from the site as the soldiers then head off. Y/n decided to follow however when he turns corner they suddenly disappeared.

SCP x Male reader: Task Force Phantom Where stories live. Discover now