Chapter 11

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When I woke up, it was 6:00 and Lani was still sleep. i didnt want to wake her so i just laid there and admired her beauty. Her ass was looking nice in them shorts to. I reached over to my nightstand and seen I had a text from Bibby.

Bibby- aye word around the street is Anthony got a hit on you and you know the streets dont lie.

I didnt respond and decided to go back to bed. If Anthony want me he better come and get me fuck boy.


I woke up at 8:25 and decide i was going to make breakfast. I put my hair up and went and got in the shower for 30 minutes and put on one of Durk's shirts and some spandex. I put my head phones in and turned it up to the higest blasting tell em by rich gang. I went into the fridge and decided to make sausge, eggs, grits, toast, and pancakes. I was finishing up the last few pancakes and decided when i was finished to fix Durk plate and take it upstairs to him, to thank him.


I woke up to the smell of food. I got in the shower and put on my true religion pants, black shirt and my black timbs. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen and sat at the island. I had to admit Lani was looking good in my shirt. I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek . I felt her jump. She took her headphones out and said good morning to me and kissed my cheek.
"Durk dont do that you scared me"

"Im sorry baby" i told her. Seeing her blushing.

"Go sit down im about to make your plate"

"Ok" i said.

Five minutes later she came into the dining room with two plates full of food. We finished eating and decided to was the dishes together. We were splashjng water at eachother when she threw soap at me and ran.
"Ooooo im going to get you for that"
I was following her when i lost her, then I heard her giggle. It came from my room in the closet. I snuck to the closet grabbed her out and threw her softly on the floor. "You bout to get it now" i started tickling her and she was pleading for me to stop. "Omg stoooooooooop Durk" she said while laughing "say the magic words" i todl her


"Ok suit yourself" and i continued to tickle her

"Ok ok ok, please stop DADDY" I stopped and just stared her in the eyes. We both started leaning in and our lips touched. It turned into a heated makeout session. I picked her up off the floor without breaking the kiss and Right when I was about to lay her down on the bed the doorbell rang. She got up to go answer the door.


When i went to answer the door there was this girl standing there.

"Hey... Oh um is Durk here."

"Yea he is hold on"
I walked back upstairs

"There a girl at the door for you" i told him with a hint of jealousy in my voice. He got up and went to the door. I decided to peek and see who she was.


"Oh hey Jade"

"Hey, um I was wondering if we could talk but i see you have company so ill leave"

"Nah dont come in thats my sister, well my bestfriend Lani who is like a sister."

"Oh ok"

I moved out the way and held the door open wide enough for her to come in. She went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"So what did you want to talk about"

"Well i was wondering why you left me last night and i was coming to get my car."

"Oh yea i apologize ma but something came up with Lani"
She rolled her eyes.

"Aye aint nun of that but go upstairs to my room i want to talk to you"

She said ok and went upstairs. I went up to the guest room and seen Lani. I know she was listening to our conversation but imma let it slide. I went across the hall to my room and closed the door and seen Jade sitting on my bed.

"So i was going to do this last night but something came up, but ma I was wondering if you wanted to be my girl"

She stared at me for a second then she nodded her head and said yes. I leaned into her and kissed her. I then laied her down on the bed and my hands made thier way up her shirt.


I drove to Durk house and some girl answered the door. I was kinda pissed but we arent together. We were talking and he told me to go up to his room cause he had something to tell me. I fiund his room and it was big. He came in and asked me to be his girl. I was shocked at first cause I thiught that was his girl downstairs but then i said yes. He leaned in and started kissing me. Then his hands made their way to up my shirt before it could get any farther thar Lani girl walked in


Durk took her in his room and closed the door. I heard him ask her to be his girl. I was enraged like really. Were we not about to have sex before she came. I decided to just walk home. I was not bout to be here. I walked to the guest room put my joggers back on and went to his room.
"I was just coming to--
I was stopped when i seen him on top of her. I just stormed out and slammed the front door.

"Damn, wait Lani" is all i heard him aay before i left

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